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京都大徳寺玉林院に在る茶室、蓑庵(さあん)の写しで、茶道裏千家「今日庵」第15代家元、千 玄室 大宗匠(鵬雲斎)の監修・設計により建てられました。

Shoseian Tea Ceremony Room

This tea room is a copy of the tea room "Sa-an" in Kyoto prefecture "Gyokurin-in, Daitoku-ji".

It was built by the supervision and design of the 15th generation head of "Urasenke Konnichian", "Sen genshitsu daishousou (Houunsai)".

Salle de cérémonie de thé Shoseian

Ce salon de thé est une copie de la salle de thé "Sa-an" dans la préfecture de Kyoto "Gyokurin-in, Daitoku-ji".

Il a été construit par la supervision et la conception de la tête de la 15ème génération de "Urasenke Konnichian", "Sen genshitsu daishousou (Houunsai)".


這茶室,京都“Gyokurin式,大德寺”坐落於茶館,是“薩 - 一個”的副本。



这茶室,京都“Gyokurin式,大德寺”坐落于茶馆,是“萨 - 一个”的副本。



교토대덕사옥림원에 있는 다실, 사암의 사본으로, 다도뒤천가 「금일암」 제15대 당주, 천 현실 대종장(붕운재)의 감수・설계에 의해 지어졌습니다.



Rokkaku Sabo Tea Room

A cozy tea room operated by the temple is situated near the Niomon Gate. It provides a relaxed atmosphere to the visitors.

Salon de thé Rokkaku Sabo

Près de la porte Niomon se situe un salon de thé tenu par le temple. Il permet à chacun de se relaxer dans une atmosphere calme et détendue.






녹차 · 식혜 등을 마시 며 편안한 휴식 공간입니다.



Niomon Gate

This serves as the official gateaway into the temple. A pair of guardian king statues stand by the gate.

Nio kings are believed to ward off evil, and are determined to preserve Buddhist philosophy on earth.

La porte Niomon

Elle sert de passage officiel pour pénétrer dans le temple. Deux statues de rois gardiens se tiennent aux abords de la porte.

Les gardiens Nio sont censés éloigner les mauvais esprits et ont pour mission de maintenir la philosophie Bouddhiste sur terre.






다이쇼인 의 정문에서 외적을 지불하고 불법을 수호하는 인왕 존을 안치하고 있습니다.




Reiho-kan Hall

This hall was established to exhibit treasures possessed by Daisho-in Temple. These include the oldest seated Fudo Myo-o image with braided hair in Japan, designated as an important cultural asset by the central government.

Le pavillon Reiho-kan

Ce pavillon fut mis en place pour exposer les trésors du Temple Daisho-in, notamment la plus vieille icône de Fudo Miyo-o assis avec les cheveux tressés, existant au Japon.

Elle a été déclarée Bien Culturel Important par le Gouvernement.








미센 개창 1200 년 기념 사업의 일환으로 2006 년 가을에 완성 된 건물입니다.

인왕문을지나, 御成門로 이어지는 계단 옆에 한번 미센 大日堂에 모셔져 있던 중요 문화재 부 동명왕과 2004 년의 태풍으로 무너진 미센 데바의 인왕상 등을 소장하고 있습니다.




This bell was rung to tell the time in the morning, afternoon and evening in the past. Now it is rung to start the time for worship.

La cloche

La cloche était autrefois sonnée pour donner l’heure le matin, le midi et le soir.

Aujourd’hui, elle sert à annoncer l’heure du culte.






교토 묘 신지의 황 橦調을 뜨고 다시 주조 한 이백 일관된 대 범종입니다.



Onarimon Gate

It is the Tesutsumon gate of total Hinoki, a creator of Tangle-breeze and cypress roof.

Porte Onarimon

C'est la porte de Chokushimon du Cyprès total japonais, "Karahafu-dukuri Hiwadabuki".






총 노송 나무, 가라 하후 구조 노송 나무 껍질 즙의 칙사 문입니다.



Kyakuden Hall

While enjoying the scenery, you can enjoy devoted food.

Kyakuden Hall

Tout en appréciant le paysage, vous pouvez apprécier la nourriture dévouée.






경치를 보면서 정진 요리를 즐길 수 있습니다.




Kannon-do Hall

Kannon-do Hall is the biggest building in the Daisho-in.

Originally the eleven faces Kansei Bodhisattva reported as the work of Ryujin Bodhisattva in the mainland Buddha of Lushjima Shrine are settled and as a part of the 1200 year memorial service for the sand mandala made by Tibetan esoteric monk, The golden maidora bodhisattva built in the fall of 2006 is also released.

Kannon-do Hall

Kannon-do Hall est le plus grand bâtiment dans le Daisho-in.

À l'origine, les onze visages Kansei Bodhisattva signalé comme l'œuvre de Ryujin Bodhisattva dans le Bouddha continentale de Lushjima Sanctuaire sont installés et comme une partie du service de mémorial de 1200 ans pour le mandala de sable faite par le moine tibétain ésotérique, le bodhisattva maidora d'or construit à l'automne De 2006 est également publié.








대성원에서 가장 큰 건물이 칸논도우입니다.

아래는 엄도신사의 본지불로 행기보살의 작과 전해지는 11면관세음 보살이 안치되고 있는 것 외에 티벳 밀교의 승려에 의해서 제작된 사만도라, 미산개창 1200년 기념 사업의 일환으로서 헤세이 18년 가을에 건립된 금빛의 미륵보살도 공개되고 있습니다.




Maniden Hall

Maniden Hall is the main prayer hall where Sanki Daigongen, or the Three Awesome Deities of Mt. Misen, are enshrined.

Countless worshippers come and pray asking for contentment in their daily lives, good health and longevity. Prayers accompanied by a taiko drum are offered every day.

Le pavillon Maniden

Le pavillon Maniden est le principal lieu de prière dédié à Sanki Daigongen ou les Trois Divinités Terrifiantes du Mont Misen.

De très nombreux fidèles viennent prier pour demander épanouissement, santé et longévité. Des prières accompagnées de tambour taiko sont données tous les jours.






미센(弥山)의 삼귀대관현(三鬼大権現)님에게 기도를 드리는 곳입니다.




Chokugan-do Hall

It is the main hall of the cathedral told that it was built as Emperor Toba Imperial Court.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi won victory at the time of the Korean soldier 's praying for maritime security, a goddess Buddha who has been dedicating after the reunification of the universe Honjo Fudo. Every day in the hall, forbidden prayers such as home safety and psychological fulfillment are being held.

Chokugan-do Hall

Il est le hall principal de la cathédrale a dit qu'il a été construit comme empereur Toba Cour impériale.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi a remporté la victoire lors de la prière du soldat coréen pour la sécurité maritime, une déesse Bouddha qui a consacré après la réunification de l 'univers Honjo Fudo. Chaque jour dans la salle, des prières interdites telles que la sécurité à la maison et l'accomplissement psychologique sont tenues.







임금의 기원당(勅願堂)

토바천황 임금의 기원 도장으로서 창건 되었다고 전해지는 대성원의 본당입니다.

토요토미 히데요시가 한국 출병 시에 필승・해상 안전을 기원한 생각 지불로, 천하 통일 후에 봉납된 나키리 부동명왕을 본존으로 하고 있습니다.당내에서는 마이니치, 케나이 안전・심원 성취등의 호마 기원을 하고 있습니다.




Photo by © Richard Riley.

Hakkaku Manpuku Hall

Miyajima’s famous Seven Deities of Good Fortune are enshrined in this octagonal hall. Believed to invite good fortune, a ceremony to appreciate these deities is held on July 7th every year.

Photo by © Richard Riley.

Le pavillon Hakkaku Manpuku

Ce pavillon octogonal est dédié aux 7 divinités de la chance de Miyajima. Une cérémonie en leur honneur à lieu chaque année le 7 Juillet (7/7).

Photo by © Richard Riley.



Photo by © Richard Riley.



Photo by © Richard Riley.


에비스(恵比須), 다이코쿠텐(大黒天), 비샤몬텐(毘沙門天), 벤자이텐(弁財天/벤자이텐), 후쿠로쿠주(福禄寿), 주로진(寿老人), 호테이(布袋尊) 일곱 존(尊)상의 복덕의 신을 안치하고 있으며 미야지마의 칠복의 신으로서 유명합니다. 매년 7월 7일에 대제전을 개최합니다.

Photo by © Richard Riley.




Daishi-do Hall

Kukai, posthumously known as Kobo Daishi, founder of the Shingon sect in the 9th century, is enshrined here.

Le Pavillon Daishi-do

Ce pavillon est dédié à Kukai, aussi connu sous son nom posthume de Kobo Daishi, fondateur de la secte Shingon au 9ème siècle.






진언종(真言宗)의 개종조. 홍법대사(弘法大師) 구카이(空海)를 모셔놓고 있습니다



In front of the garden

A grand song was held at the time in the garden that Toyotomi Hideyoshi drew.

En face du jardin

Un grand chant a eu lieu à l'époque dans le jardin que Toyotomi Hideyoshi a dessiné.






토요토미 히데요시공이 좋아한 정원에서, 당시 성대한 노래모임이 개최되었습니다.




Henjokutsu Cave

In this dimly lit cave are the sand and the principal Buddhist icons of the eighty eight temples of the prestigious pilgrimage route on Shikoku.

Worshippers believe that they are given the same blessings as people who make the pilgrimage to all the temples on the route.

La grotte Henjokutsu

Dans cette grotte faiblement éclairée, on trouve les principales icônes bouddhistes ainsi que du sable venant des 88 temples du prestigieux chemin de pélerinage de Shikoku.

On dit que se recueillir dans cette grotte équivaut à réaliser le pélerinage des 88 temples.






시코쿠(四国)의 88개 영지의 본존상이 안치되어 본존상 앞에 각 영지의 모래가 묻혀 있습니다. 이 모래를 밟으면 시코쿠를 순례한 것과 같은 공덕이 있다고 하여 모래를 밟으려는 일행이 끊이질 않고 있습니다.







Main Shrine

National Treasure

The Main Shrine is dedicated to the three Munakata goddesses, Ichikishima-hime, Tagitsu-hime and Tagori-hime.

After the Meiji Restoration, chigi (ornamental horn-like crossbeams on the gable of a shrine roof) and katsuogi (log-like elements on the ridge of a shrine roof) were added to the Main Shrine, lending to the structure a typical Shinto architectural style.

When major repairs were carried out in the Meiji and Taisho eras, however, these architectural elements were removed, and the original style was restored.

The shrine’s worship hall is constructed in what is called a "three-ridged" style, in which the three ridges seem to be laid in parallel on the hall’s ceiling. It is said that the style dates back to the Nara Period (710 – 784).

Le Sanctuaire Principal

Trésor National

Le Sanctuaire Principal est dédié aux trois déesses Munakata : Ichikishima-hime, Tagitsu-hime, et Tagori-hime. Après la Restauration Meiji, on ajouta au sanctuaire des Chigi (poutres décoratives en forme de croix placées sur les pignons du toit) et des Katsuogi (sortes de bûches placées sur l’arête du toit), ce qui donna à la structure un style architectural typiquement Shinto. Cependant, lorsque d’importantes réparations furent entreprises pendant les époques Meiji et Taisho, on retira ces éléments et le sanctuaire retrouva son apparence d’origine.

Le toit de la salle de culte du sanctuaire est construit en style Mitsumune (à trois arêtes) : si l’on regarde le plafond, on aperçoit trois poutres disposées en parallèle dont deux surelévées qui forment ainsi un creux et deux sommets. Ce style remonterait à la période Nara (710-784).









고혼샤(御本社)는 각기 국보에 지정되어 있으며 그 제신은 이치키시미히메노미코토(市杵島姫命), 다고리히메노미코토(田心姫命), 다기쓰히메노미코토(湍津姫命), 무나카타산조신(宗像三女神)입니다. 넓이는 정면이 8칸(間), 옆 면이 9칸, 들보가 4칸으로 이즈모다이샤(出雲大社)의 두 배가 된다고 합니다. 일본에서 가장 큰 본전입니다. 모시고 있는 제신은 산조신(三女神)인데 바다의 신, 교통운수의 신, 재복의 신, 기예(技芸)의 신입니다. 오토리이에서의 거리는 약195m입니다.






The Purification Hall

National Treasure

The purification hall was used for monthly festivals and for performing the Bugaku (Ancient Court Dance) on rainy days.

Since the end of the Meiji era, people have conducted "the Year-end Market Forecast" here to forecast market conditions for the coming year. The wide floor boards are polished smoothly, indicating that the hall has had frequent use.

The central part of the front eaves is cut and elevated, which is a typical architectural technique used in Amida Buddhism halls in the late Heian period, and has been adopted in the Phoenix Hall of the Byodo-in Temple in Uji, Kyoto, the Amida Hall of Hokaiji Temple in Hino, Kyoto, and in other famous temples.

Le pavillon de Purification

Trésor National

Le pavillon de purification était autrefois utilisé pour les festivals mensuels et pour les représentations de Bugaku (Ancienne danse de Cour) lorsqu’il pleuvait.

Depuis l’époque Meiji, on y anime en fin d’année des prévisions sur l’état du marché de l’année à venir. Le plancher est particulièrement poli ce qui signifie que la salle a été utilisée très souvent.

La partie centrale des auvents de la façade est coupée et élevée, ce qui est typique des techniques utilisées dans les pavillons de Bouddhisme amidiste à la fin de la période Heian et qui a été aussi employé dans le pavillon Phoenix au Temple Byodo-o à Uji (Kyoto), dans le pavillon Amida du Temple Hokaiji à Hino (Kyoto) et dans d’autres célèbres temples.









하라이덴은 액운을 털어내는 곳으로 관현제 때에 봉련(鳳輦/임금이 타는 가마을 두는 곳입니다.







Photo by © Marufish.

Hira-butai (Open Stage) & Taka-Butai (High Stage)

National Treasure

Hira-butai (Open Stage)

The open-air stage is located in front of the Main Shrine, with corridors connecting the two subordinate Kado-marodo Shrines and the Orchestra Boxes on the left and right sides of the stage.

Mention of the stage is not found in documents registering the names of buildings built in the Nin-an era (1166-1169), when the shrine buildings were first constructed. However, a document recorded that a temporary stage had been established in front of the Main Shrine for the holding of the Senbo-kuyo ceremonies (important Buddhist ceremonies involving many monks). It is thought that this temporary stage was replaced by the permanent structure, which is now called the Hira-butai.

Though other foundation posts for the shrine buildings were made of wood, the foundation posts for the Open Stage and those of the Naga-hashi (Long Bridge) were made of stone. It is said that the stones were donated in 1571 by the prestigious warlord Mori Motonari at the dedication of a new Main Shrine.

Taka-Butai (High Stage)

On fine days, the Bugaku (Ancient Court Dance) is held on the High Stage. Descriptions of the elevated stage are not found in documents from the Heian period. However, a document in the Warring Period (1467-1568) noted that the stage was used to perform dances.

As the name of Tanamori-no-Fusaaki, head priest of the time, was engraved on one of the ornamental caps of the railing posts, the temporary stage is thought to have been first erected in the late Warring Period. It is also believed that the temporary stage was replaced by the permanent structure in the Edo era.

Photo by © Marufish.

Hira-butai (la scène ouverte) & Taka-Butai (La scène élevée)

Trésor National

Hira-butai (la scène ouverte)

La scène en plein air est située face au Sanctuaire Principal, les galeries relient les deux sanctuaires dependants (Kado-Marodo) aux places orchestre à gauche et à droite de la scène.

La scène n’apparaît pas dans les archives mentionnant la liste des bâtiments construits à la période Nin'An (1166-1169), lorsque les premiers bâtiments du sanctuaire furent construits.

Cependant, on peut lire dans un document qu’une scène temporaire avait été montée en face du Sanctuaire Principal pour les cérémonies Senbo-kuyo (importantes cérémonies bouddhistes auxquelles participent de nombreux moines).

On pense que cette scène temporaire a été remplacée par la structure permanente qui s’appelle aujourd’hui Hira-butai.

Les piliers de fondation des bâtiments du sanctuaire sont en bois, mais ceux de la Scène Ouverte (Hira-butai) et du pont Naga-hashi (Long Pont) sont en pierre.

Les pierres auraient été offertes en 1571 par le prestigieux Seigneur Mori Motonari en l’honneur du nouveau Sanctuaire Principal.

Taka-Butai (La scène élevée)

Par beaux jours, des représentations de Bugaku sont donnée sur la Scène Elevée. On ne trouve aucune description de cette scène dans les documents de la période Heian. Cependant, un document datant de la période Sengoku (1467-1568) évoque l’utilisation de la scène pour des représentations de danse.

Comme le nom de Tanamori-no-Fusaaku, prêtre en chef de cette époque est gravé sur le capuchon décoratif de l’un des piliers de la rambarde, on pense que la scène temporaire a été montée pour la première fois à la fin de la periode Sengoku. On pense également que la scène temporaire a été remplacée par la structure permanente à la période Edo.

Photo by © Marufish.







Photo by © Marufish.






表演 " 舞乐 " 的舞台。

Photo by © Marufish.

히라무대(平舞台)와 다카 무대(高舞台)



다카 무대(高舞台)에 비해 평평한 곳을 히라 무대(平舞台)라고 합니다.

다카 무대(高舞台)

무악이 연주되는 무대입니다.

Photo by © Marufish.


Hira-butai west (Open Stage)

Hira-butai ouest (Open Stage)





Photo by © ikumi C.

West the Purification Hall

Photo by © ikumi C.

Ouest de la salle de purification

Photo by © ikumi C.


Photo by © ikumi C.


Photo by © ikumi C.

본사불전 서쪽

Photo by © ikumi C.




Photo by © scarletgreen.

Honsha Haiden

National Treasure

The hall of worshipers is a facility where worshipers oppose the god of deity and exorcize and visit. Look up from the bottom of the hall and you will see two buildings. It covers it with one building. This is said to be three buildings, it is said to be the architectural style of the Nara period. It is said that the distance from Otorii is about 100 (about 196 m).

Photo by © scarletgreen.

Honsha Haiden

Trésor national

La salle des adorateurs est une installation où les fidèles s'opposent au dieu de la divinité et exorcisent et visitent. Regardez du bas de la salle et vous verrez deux bâtiments. Il le couvre d'un bâtiment. On dit que ce sont trois bâtiments, on dit que c'est le style architectural de la période Nara. On dit que la distance d'Otorii est d'environ 100 (environ 196 m).

Photo by © scarletgreen.




Photo by © scarletgreen.




Photo by © scarletgreen.

본사 배전


배전은, 참배자가 제신과 마주봐, 불제・참배하는 시설입니다.배전아래로부터 올려보면 동이 2개 보입니다.게다가를 하나의 동으로 가리고 있습니다.이것을 3동구조 라고 하여, 나라시대의 건축 양식이라고 하고 있습니다.오토리로부터의 거리는, 백8간( 약 196 m)이라고 합니다.

Photo by © scarletgreen.






The Marodo Shrine

National Treasure

The marodo shrine is the biggest *sesshas in Itsukushima. This shrine, which is subordinate to Itsukushima Shrine, is dedicated to five deities, namely Amenooshihomimi-no-mikoto, Ikitsuhikone-no-mikoto, Amenohohi-no-mikoto, Amatsuhikone-no-mikoto and Kumanokusubi-no-mikoto. Its architectural style is similar to that of the Main Shrine, with only slight differences in detail.

A seclusion room is located on one side of the worshipping hall, and a sutra chamber on the other, in which it is said that the priests recited sutras.

∗ Sessha is second in rank and size to the main shrine. Such shrines are sometimes called auxilary shrines. Dedicated to a deity which has a deep and significant relationship to the god or godess which is venerated within the main shrine.

Le sanctuaire Marodo

Trésor National

Le Sanctuaire Marodo est le plus grand Sessha* d’Itsukushima. Ce sanctuaire, qui dépend de celui d’Itsukushima, est dédié à cinq divinités : Amenooshihomimi-no-mikoto, Ikutsuhikone-no-mikoto, Amenohohi-no-mikoto, Amatsuhikone-no-mikoto et Kumanokusubi-no-mikoto. Son style architectural est similaire à celui du Sanctuaire Principal avec de légères différences au niveau des détails.

Une salle d’isolement est située sur un côté du hall de prière, et une chambre de sutras, dans laquelle les moines récitent les sutras, de l’autre côté

∗ Le Sessha se situe juste après le sanctuaire principal en terme de rang et de taille. On les appelle parfois sanctuaires auxiliaires. Ils sont dédiés à une divinité ayant une relation importante avec le dieu ou déesse vénérée dans le Sanctuaire Principal.







마로도 신사(客神社)


아메노오시호미미노미코토(天忍穂耳命), 이키쓰히코네노미코토(活津彦根命), 아메노호히노미코토(天穂日命), 아마쓰히코네노미코토(天津彦根命), 쿠스노쿠스비노미코토(熊野櫞樟日命)의 다섯 남성 신을 모셔놓고 있습니다.




The Marodo Shrine (Shrine for the Guest Deity) Haraiden (purification hall)

National Treasure

This is called Haraiden. Visitors stand at Haraisho to purify their mind and body before offering prayers.

Among all the buildings of Itsukushima Shrine, there are ceilings only in the purifying halls and the main sanctuaries of the main shrine and the marodo shrine. The type of the ceiling is a coved, coffered and finely latticed ceiling.

The Marodo Shrine’s purification hall is different from that of the main shrine in that the surrounding parapet has an opening in the front, leaving the hall open to the sea.

Haraiden (Pavillon de Purification) du Sanctuaire Marodo

Trésor National

Avant de venir prier, les visiteurs se purifient le corps et l’esprit au Haraisho.

On ne trouve des plafonds que sur certains bâtiments : les pavillons de purification, les sanctuaires principaux, et le sanctuaire Marodo. Il s’agit de plafonds à caisson, voûtés, et quadrillés de poutres.

Le pavillon de purification du Sanctuaire Marodo est différent de celui du sanctuaire principal car le parapet qui l’entoure est ouvert sur la façade avant, laissant ainsi le pavillon ouvert sur la mer.







섭사객 신사불전과 배전


본사와 같게, 본전・폐전・배전・불전으로부터 되어, 엄도신사의 제전은, 이 손님 신사로부터 시작됩니다.








East Corridor

National Treasure

The East Corridor extends from the entrance of Itsukushima Shrine, past the marodo Shrine and Asazaya (Morning Service Hall), to the purification hall of the Main Shrine.

The corridor has 108 *ma (bays) and 4 meters in width. Slight spaces between the floorboards of the corridor have been created to alleviate the buoyancy of the high tide and to drain rain blown onto the corridor.

At high tides caused by typhoons, the stone lanterns at Mikasa-no-hama (Mikasa Beach) were temporarily dismantled and carried onto the corridor to serve as weight to prevent the floor from being raised by the seas. In addition, nails are not used on the floorboards.

Before Taira-no-Kiyomori opened up the route of Ondo-no-Seto, ships had taken the southern route and been tied up at the western shore of the island. That’s why the entrance used to be at the west corridor, which is the exit of the shrine now.

∗ Ma is a span or bay between the beams (pillars). Thus, 8 ma are the 8 spans between 9 pillars. Ma is not a defined measurement, and so the length of the span varies.

La Galerie

Trésor National

La Galerie s’étend de l’entrée du sanctuaire d’Itsukushima jusqu’au Pavillon de Purification du Sanctuaire Principal en passant par le Sanctuaire Marodo et l’Asazaya (Pavillon pour le service du matin).

Elle mesure 262 m de long et 4 m de large, l’espace entre les piliers est d’environ 2,4 m. De légers espaces entre les lattes permettent de réduire la poussée de l’eau à marée haute et de rejeter les eaux de pluie.

Lors des très hautes marées causées par les typhons, les lanternes de pierre de la plage de Mikasa sont temporairement démontées et apportées dans la galerie pour servir de poids et empêcher le plancher d’être soulevé par les eaux. Aucun clou n’est utilisé sur les lattes.

Avant que Taira-no-Kiyomori n’ouvre la route maritime d’Ondo-no-Seto, les bateaux prenaient la route Sud et amaraient sur la côte ouest de l’île, c’est pourquoi l’entrée du sanctuaire se situait alors au bout de la galerie ouest, que l’on utilise aujourd’hui comme sortie.







회랑(廻廊/가이로) 국보


동쪽 회랑은 47칸(칸;기둥과 기둥 사이, 1칸은 약2.4m), 입구는 박공지붕(切妻造り)으로 지붕은 노송나무 껍질로 되어 있으며 마룻대에는 용마루 기와가 얹어져 있습니다.

동과 서를 합해서 약 262m로 각 칸마다 조등롱(釣灯籠)을 달아 놓았습니다.

마루는 한 칸에 9장 깔려 있고 못은 사용하지 않았습니다.









West Corridor

National Treasure

The architectural style of the gable at the end of the West Corridor is called "Kara-hafu" (Chinese gable). A similar Chinese gable is attached over the joint between the Arched Bridge and the corridor.

According to a document from the Nin-An era, the total length of the corridors was about 205.4 meters. It was later extended to about 210.9 meters, and then to about 327.2 meters, indicating that the corridors were extended over time.Today, however, the total length is only about 194.5 meters.

In 1541, a landslide reached the shrine, drastically changing the surrounding geography and damaging shrine buildings, making restoration impossible. According to the documents following this incident,the total length of the corridor became about 196.3 meters, and when the shrine was repaired again in 1784, the corridors were shortened further.

The floor boards of the West Corridor were restored in 1556 by the famous warlord Mori Motonari. The Chinese gables may have been added at that time.

La Galerie Ouest

Trésor National

On appelle le style artchitectural du pignon qui se trouve au bout de la Galerie Ouest "kara-hafu" (pignon chinois).On retrouve un pignon du même type entre le Sori-bashi (pont voûté) et la Galerie.

Selon un document datant de l’époque Nin'an (1166-1169), la longueur totale de la galerie était de 205,4m. Elle fut plus tard allongée pour atteindre 210,9m puis 327,2m. Aujourd’hui, sa longueur totale n’est plus que de 194,5m.

En 1541, un glissement de terrain atteint le sanctuaire, modifiant totalement la géographie environnante et endommageant les bâtiments du sanctuaire, rendant leur restauration impossible.

Selon des documents, suite à l’incident, la longueur totale de la galerie passa à 196,3m et quand le sanctuaire fut réparé à nouveau en 1784, la longueur des galeries fut encore réduite.

Les lattes du plancher de la Galerie Ouest ont été restaurées en 1556 par le fameux Seigneur Mori Motonari, on suppose que les pignons chinois ont été ajoutés à cette époque.









서회랑은 61칸(間)으로 서쪽 끝(출구)부분은 당파풍(唐破風) 양식으로 되어 있습니다.



Inside the West Corridor

National Treasure

À l'intérieur du corridor ouest

Trésor National










Photo by © Marufish.


National Important Cultural Property

This hall is called Asazaya, where Shinto priests gather on the occasion of Shinto ceremonies.

It is said that Asazaya was used for the Shinto morning ceremonies, as the word asa means morning. The word asazaya also appears in "Makura no Sōshi "("The Pillow Book" of Sei Shōnagon), one of the most famous literary classic.

The roof type of the eastern part is gable, kirizuma-zukuri while that of the western part is hip-and-gable, irimoya-zukuri and the entire roof is surrounded by aisles, hisashi. This style of the roof shows the Shinden style of architecture, which is one of the main characteristics of the subsidiary building (Tai).

Photo by © Marufish.


Bien Culturel Important

Ce pavillon que l’on appelle Asazaya est le lieu où les prêtres se réunissent à l’occasion des cérémonies shinto.

e nom de ce pavillon provient sans doute du fait qu’il était autrefois utilisé le matin, le mot « asa » signifiant « matin » en japonais. Ce nom apparaît également dans « Makura no sôshi » (les notes de l’oreiller) de Sei Shônagon, un grand classique littéraire de l’époque Heian.

Côté Est, le toit est à pignon simple (kirizuma-zukuri) tandis que côté Ouest il est à pignon multiple (irimoya-zukuri) et entouré de auvents étroits (hisashi). Ce type de toit est caractéristique des toits de bâtiments annexes (tai-no-ya) de style Shinden.

Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.



지붕은 동쪽이 박공 지붕(삼각모양)이고 서쪽이 팔작지붕으로 세 면에 작은 방이 달려 있어 침전양식(寝殿造り)의 다이노야(対の屋/정전에서 양 옆 또는 뒤쪽에 마주보게 지은 건물)의 특징을 볼 수 있다.

Photo by © Marufish.



Photo by © Marufish.

Asazaya front

National Important Cultural Property

Photo by © Marufish.

Asazaya avant

Bien Culturel Important

Photo by © Marufish.



Photo by © Marufish.



Photo by © Marufish.

조좌 가게앞


Photo by © Marufish.






Photo by © Marufish.

Noh Stage

National Important Cultural Property

The first Noh play at this shrine was in 1568 when Kanze Dayu performed here. According to historical documents, the Noh play was performed on the shore on what was likely a temporary stage next to the shrine.

In 1605, the feudal lord Fukushima Masanori donated a stage, which became the shrine’s first permanent Noh stage. In 1680, the feudal lord of the time, Asano Tsunanaga, built the current Noh stage with a bridge-like passageway and a dressing room.

Shin noh (sacred Noh) is performed on this stage during Tokasai (Peach Blossom Festival), which is held from April 16 to 18 each year. In autumn, Kenchasai (Tea Offering Ceremony) is held here, and in that ceremony, a tea master performs a tea ceremony for offering tea to the goddesses. On these occasions, a temporary balcony is set up between the Noh stage and the corridor, allowing the audience to enjoy watching every detail of the stage performance.

The Noh Drama Stage, constructed in the Ichiju-kiritsuma style, has a thatched Japanese cypress roof and the front of the stage is at the end of the structure.

Normally, a tsubo (large pot filled with water) is beneath the floor of a Noh stage for resonance, however since the stage is constructed over the sea, a tsubo cannot be used. Instead, the floor has been constructed so that it is like a single board for improving the sound.

The floor functions similarly to the skin on a large drum since the floorboards have been laid on top of a wide-interval floor joist (the crossbar that intercepts the floorboards) and a closing which is assembled in the fashion of a well crib (the boards that intercept the floor joist), so with every marked and measured footstep, the sound resonates clearly. Furthermore, the sound tone changes with the ebb and flow of the tide, and without exception, this is the only Noh stage in the whole country that uniquely rests upon the sea.

Photo by © Marufish.

La scène Nô

Bien Culturel Important

La première représentation de théâtre Nô au sanctuaire fut donnée en 1568 avec la venue du plus prestigieux acteur de Nô de l’école Kanze (Kanze-Dayuu). D’après les documents historiques, la pièce fut jouée au bord de la mer sur ce qui semblait être une scène temporaire près du sanctuaire.

En 1605, le seigneur féodal Fukushima Masanori fit don d’une scène qui devint la première scène Nô permanente d’Itsukushima. En 1680, le seigneur de l’époque, Asano Tsunanaga fit construire la scène actuelle avec un pont et des lôges.

Des pièces de Shin-Nô (Nô sacré) sont représentées sur cette scène pendant le Festival de Tokasai (Festival des pêchers en fleur) qui a lieu chaque année du 16 au 18 avril. En automne, a lieu le Festival de Kenchasai (Cérémonie d’offrande du thé). Un maître dirige une cérémonie d’offrande de thé aux déesses.

Pour ces occasions, un balcon temporaire est monté entre la scène Nô et la galerie, ce qui permet au public d’apprécier chaque détail du spectacle qui a lieu sur la scène.

La scène Nô est construite en style Ichiju-Kiritsuma, son toit est fait de chaume de cyprès japonais et l’entrée de la scène se trouve au bout de la structure.

Habituellement, on place un « tsubo » (grand pot rempli d’eau) sous les scènes de théâtre Nô mais celle-ci étant construite sur la mer, cela n’a pas été possible, c’est pourquoi le sol a été construit comme un seule planche afin d’améliorer l’effet de raisonnance.

En effet, le sol se comporte comme la peau d’un grand tambour parce que les lattes on été posées sur des solives à large intervalle (les barres transversales qui soutiennent les lattes) et sont assemblées de manière à ce qu’à chaque pas des acteurs, le son raisonne très distinctement. De plus le son varie avec le flux et le reflux de des marées.

Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.



1568년 모리 (毛利) 씨가 간제다유(観世太夫)를 불러 능무대를 해상에 세우게 하여 능악(能楽)을 봉납했습니다.

Photo by © Marufish.




Bridging and Noh players

National Important Cultural Property

The current stage, the bridge and the dressing room were built in the eighth anniversary (1680 years) when the lord changed for Mr. Asano.

Bridging et Noh joueurs

Bien Culturel Important

L'étape actuelle, le pont et le vestiaire ont été construits au huitième anniversaire (1680 ans) lorsque le seigneur a changé pour M. Asano.







교괘 및 노가쿠가게


지방 영주가 아사노씨에 대신한 연보 8년(1680년)에 현재의 무대와 교괘 및 분장실이 건립되었습니다.





National Important Cultural Property

This bridge is called Agemizu-bashi. The word agemizu means drawing water. A long time ago the water used for the shrine was drawn here. The characteristic of the bridge is that the bridge railing on the eastern side is higher than the other side and a part of the railing jetties. This stone water basin was made of one huge stone in 1592.

Le pont Agemizu-bashi

Bien Culturel Important

" Agemizu " signifie " puiser l'eau ". C'est en effet d'ici que l'on puisait l'eau pour le sanctuaire il y a très longtemps. Ce pont a la particularité d'avoir une rambarde plus haute du côté Est que Ouest et d'avoir une sorte de petite jetée devant lequel se trouve un bassin datant de 1592 taillé dans une énorme pierre.







아게미즈바시 교(揚水橋)


특징은 ‘아사노마(桟の間)’라고 하여 중앙에 불쑥 나와 있는 곳이 있습니다. 과거에는 여기에서 해수를 퍼올리는 의식이 있었다고 합니다.







Naga-bashi (Long Bridge)

National Important Cultural Property

The Naga-hashi (Long Bridge) connects the Ushiro-zono (Back Enclosure) with the Daikoku Shrine. Documents from the late Heian period and the Kamakura period record that bridges of this design were called Uchi-hashi (fixed bridge) or Hira-hashi (flat bridge).

It is believed that in those days, main shrine buildings built in the sea were connected to the land by such roofless bridges. The Long Bridge is reminiscent of the typical traditional bridges of the past. As in the case of the Arched Bridge, the length of the Long Bridge was drastically shortened in the Warring Period. Its foundation posts are made of stone.

It is said that an offertory room was established in the Edo period on the south side of the Ushiro-zono (Back Enclosure). Food offerings for deities were carried from the room to the shrine buildings. One stone post has the name Matsuura Takeshiro engraved on it.

Naga-bashi (Le Long Pont)

Bien Culturel Important

Le Naga-bashi relie le Ushiro-zono (enclos arrière) au Sanctuaire Daikoku. Dans les documents de la fin de l’époque Heian et de l’époque Kamakura, on peut lire que les ponts de ce type étaient appelés Uchi-bashi (pont fixe) ou Hira-bashi (pont plat).

On pense qu’à cette époque, les principaux bâtiments du sanctuaire construits sur la mer étaient reliés à la terre par ce type de ponts sans toit. Le Long Pont rappelle les ponts traditionnels typiques du passé. Comme pour le Pont Voûté, la longueur du pont a drastiquement été raccourcie à l’époque de Provinces en guerre. Les piliers de ses fondations sont faits de pierre.

La salle d’offrande aurait été établie à l’époque Edo côté sud de l’Ushiro-zono. La nourriture pour les divinités était transportée de cette salle vers les bâtiments. Sur l’un des piliers de pierre, est gravé le nom de Takeshiro Matsuura, un célèbre explorateur et fervent croyant de l’Epoque Meiji.







나가바시 교(長橋)


본전 뒤의 고쿠쇼(御供所/공양소)에서 신찬(神饌/신에 올리는 음식)을 운반할 때 사용되고 있었습니다. 속석(束石/마루를 받치고 있는 기둥을 올린 돌)으로는 아카마석(赤間石)을 사용하였는데 이것은 모리(毛利) 씨가 봉납한 것입니다.




Sori-bashi (Arched Bridge)

National Important Cultural Property

No reference to Sori-bashi (Arched Bridge) is made in documents on the construction of Itsukushima Shrine in the Nin-An era (1166-1169). The bridge first appears in a document from the Ninji era (1240-1243), indicating that the bridge did not exist when Taira-no-Kiyomori visited the shrine.

It is said that this bridge was also called "Chokushi-bashi" (Imperial Messengers' Bridge) and that imperial messengers crossed it to enter the Main Shrine on such important festive occasions as Gochinzasai. Temporary stairs were assembled and placed on the bridge to allow the messengers easy passage.

According to the inscription on one of the ornamental caps of the railing posts, the current bridge dates back to 1557 when the bridge was reconstructed by the father and son Mori Motonari and Mori Takamoto. The bridge has been repaired several times since.

Sori-bashi (le pont voûté)

Bien Culturel Important

On ne trouve aucun texte faisant référence au Sori-bashi dans les documents relatifs à la construction du Sanctuaire d’Itsukushima à l’époque Nin-An (1166-1169).

Le pont apparaît pour la première fois dans un document de l’époque Ninji (1240-1243), ce qui indique qu’il n’existait pas encore lorsque Taira-no-Kiyomori vint visiter le sanctuaire.

Il est également dit que le pont était parfois appelé Chokushi-bashi (Pont du messager impérial) et que les messagers de l’Empereur l’empruntaient pour pénétrer dans le Sanctuaire Principal à l’occasion de festivals tels que le Gochinzasai. Des escaliers temporaires étaient alors montés sur le pont pour faciliter la traversée des messagers.

D’après une inscription qui figure sur le capuchon décoratif de l’un des piliers de la rambarde, le pont actuel daterait de 1557, lorsque celui-ci fut reconstruit par Mori Motonari et son fils Mori Takamoto. Il a depuis été réparé de nombreuses fois.









가마쿠라시대(鎌倉期) 때에도 이미 있었습니다만 현재의 것은 1557년 모리 모토나리(毛利元就)와 모리 다카모토(毛利隆元) 부자에 의해 재건된 것입니다. 별칭 칙사교(勅使橋)라고도 하여 천황이 보낸 칙사만이 이 다리를 건널 수 있었습니다.







The great Torii

National Important Cultural Property

The torii of Itsukushima shrine is wooden building torii at both places (quadruped torii). The height is about 16.6 m, the length of the building is 24.2 m, the circumference of the main pillar is 9.9 m, the total weight is about 60 t, the wood part is Tanpura (Koumyotan), the main pillar is the natural trees of Kusunoki, the Sodebashira cedar nature wood I am using.

The current torii is the eighth generation since the Heian era and was rebuilt in 1875 (1875). Kasagi and Shimagi are boxed and about 5 tons of stone and sand are packed. The root is just under the sea and standing by its own weight. Senbonkui is used as the foundation of the main pillar, and about 30 to 100 pine piles of 45 cm to 60 cm are driven into each pillar. Kusunoki is heavy in gravity and difficult to decay, it is strong against insects.

On the west side of the building there is a crescent moon, the east side has a sign of the sun, the influence of the Yin & Road is seen.

Itsukushima shrine in Hengaku on the offshore side and Itsukishima shrine on the headquarters side, the current amount is the story of Arisugawanomiyatakeru hitoshinnou at the time of the reconstruction of the Meiji Era.

Le Torii flottant

Bien Culturel Important

Le torii du sanctuaire Itsukushima est en bois de construction torii aux deux endroits (quadruple torii). La hauteur est d'environ 16,6 m, la longueur du bâtiment est de 24,2 m, la circonférence du pilier principal est de 9,9 m, le poids total est d'environ 60 t, la partie en bois est Tanpura (Koumyotan), le pilier principal est les arbres naturels De Kusunoki, le bois de bois de cèdre de Sodebashira que j'utilise.

Le torii actuel est la huitième génération depuis l'ère Heian et a été reconstruit en 1875 (1875). Kasagi et Shimagi sont emballés et environ 5 tonnes de pierre et de sable sont emballés. La racine est juste sous la mer et debout par son propre poids. Senbonkui est utilisé comme fondement du pilier principal, et environ 30 à 100 pieux de 45 cm à 60 cm sont enfoncés dans chaque pilier. Kusunoki est lourd dans la gravité et difficile à la pourriture, il est fort contre les insectes.

Sur le côté ouest du bâtiment il ya un croissant de lune, le côté est a un signe du soleil, l'influence du Yin & Road est vu.

Itsukushima sanctuaire à Hengaku sur le côté offshore et Itsukishima sanctuaire sur le quartier général, le montant actuel est l'histoire de Arisugawanomiyatakeru hitoshinnou au moment de la reconstruction de l'ère Meiji.















이쓰 쿠시마 신사의 도리이는 나무에서 매화 오리 나무 도리이 (네 다리 기둥 문)입니다. 높이 약 16.6m, 동 길이 24.2m 주로 기둥 주위 9.9m, 총중량은 약 60t, 통은 단 칠 (광명 라), 主柱는 녹나무 자연 목을 소매 기둥 "소매한다 시라 "는 삼나무 자연 목을 사용하고 있습니다.

현재 오토는 헤이안 시대부터 8 대째에 해당하고, 1875 년 (1875)에 재건되었습니다. 카 사기로 장작 상자가있어 돌이나 모래가 약 5t 채워져 있습니다. 뿌리는 해저에 놓여있을뿐, 자중에 서 있습니다. 주 기둥의 기초는 천 더미가 사용되고 45cm에서 60cm의 소나무 마루쯔쿠가 각각의 기둥에 약 30 개에서 100 개 포함되어 있습니다. 녹나무는 비중이 무거운 부패하기 어렵고, 벌레에 강한 때문입니다.

동 서쪽에는 초승달이 동쪽에 태양 표시가 있고, 음양도의 영향을 볼 수 있습니다.

앞바다측의 편액에는 자리잡아 살고 하옇든 신사, 본사측은 자리잡아 살아 마지은은과 붓서 기해지고 있어서, 현재의 액은, 메이지8년의 재건시의 것이어 한다가 와끌이나 다루히토시은의 우노 마개피쯔입니다.



通称 : だいこくさん
御祭神 : 大國主命おおくにぬしにみこと




Daikoku Shrine

National Important Cultural Property

The enshrined deity is Okuni-nushino-mikoto, or the Daikoku deity.

It is not known when the shrine was first established. However, it is said that the name of the shrine, Daikoku, is found in a document from the Warring Period.

Le Sanctuaire Daikoku

Bien Culturel Important

Ce sanctuaire est dédié à Okuninushi-no-mikoto, aussi connu sous le nom de Daikoku. C’est le dieu de la nation, de l’agriculture, du commerce, de la santé et du mariage.

On ignore quand a été crée ce sanctuaire, cependant le nom Daikoku apparaît dans des documents datant de la période Sengoku (Période des provinces en guerre).









오쿠니샤(大国社) : 다이코쿠샤(大黒社)


제신 :오쿠니누시니미코토(大国主命)

오쿠니누시니미코토(大国主命)는 제국신, 농경신, 상업신, 의료신, 연분의 신입니다.









This shrine is dedicated to Sugawara-no-Michizane, also called Tenjin, a prestigious deity of education and intelligence. This building was also referred to as Renga-do Hall and in which Renga* poetry ceremonies were held on the 25th of every month until the middle of the Meiji period, some 100 years ago.

The building was constructed in 1556 and donated by the famous warlord Mori Takamoto. Although most of the buildings of the Itsukushima Shrine were coated with vermilion lacquer, the Tenjin Shrine, as well as the Noh Stage and its dressing room, were left untreated in order to preserve the natural color of the wood, indicating that these buildings were constructed in a later period. The balance of the wood pillars in the shrine building was quite elaborate, adding aesthetic value to the shrine.

∗ Renga is a traditional poem composed of lines linked in theme, but written by two or more persons.

Le Sanctuaire Tenjin

Bien Culturel Important

e sanctuaire est dédié à Sugawara-no-Michizane, également appelé Tenjin, une prestigieuse divinité de l’éducation et de l’intelligence.

On appelait aussi ce bâtiment « Pavillon Renga-do » et des cérémonies de poésie Renga s’y tenaient tous les 25 du mois jusqu’au milieu de la période Meiji, il y a environ 100 ans.

Le Renga est un style de poème traditionnel donc chaque vers est relié par un thème mais écrit pas deux personnes voire plus.

Ce bâtiment est un don du célèbre seigneur Mori Takamoto et fut construit en 1556. Bien que la plupart des bâtiments du Sanctuaire d’Itsukushima soient laqués de vermillon, le sanctuaire Tenjin, tout comme la scène Nô et ses lôges n’ont pas été traités afin de préserver la couleur naturelle du bois, ce qui indique que ces bâtiments ont été construits ultérieurement.









학업의 신입니다. 창건은 고지 2년(1556)에 모리 다카모토(毛利隆元)가 기증한 것입니다.



高 27.6m、応永14年(1407)建立。






Photo by © Marufish.

Five-storied Pagoda (Gojunoto)

National Important Cultural Property

The Five-storied Pagoda was originally constructed in 1407, and it was restored in 1533. The main deity enshrined here is the Buddha of Medicine, accompanied by the Buddhist saints Fugen and Monju.

The Buddhist images symbolizing the deity and the saints were removed in the early Meiji era. Now these are enshrined in the Daiganji Temple.

The pagoda as a whole was constructed in Japanese style as evidenced by the ornamental caps of the railing posts as well as in the placement of the rafters. However, Chinese influence can also be seen in such parts as the top of the wooden pillars supporting the eaves, as well as in the tails of the rafters.

Elaborate Giboshi decorations (decorations resembling leek flowers) are found on the railing posts of the first story, while Gyaku-ren and Kaika-ren decorations (resembling lotus flowers) are placed on the railing posts from the second story to the fifth.

This structure is said to be one of only five examples in Japan. It resists horizontal oscillation caused by earthquakes and typhoons. The pagoda is 27.6 meters high and its roof is covered with layers of Japanese cypress bark shingles. When major repair work was carried out in 1945, the structure was restored to its original style by coating it with red lacquer.

The interior of the pagoda is decorated with auspicious motifs such as the Kannon Bodhisattva, Eight Views of Shohshoh, a dragon, lotus flowers and the Shingon Hasso sutra painted on the ceiling, the Raigo Wall (the special name for the wall behind the Image of Buddha) and the rest of the interior wooden walls. However, it is not open to the public.

One of the unique structural features is the central pillar of the pagoda, which extends from the peak of the roof only to the second story -- instead of to the foundation. The names of donors have been carved on each of the sixteen pillars of the first story. Fourteen of these donors were women.

Photo by © Marufish.

La pagode à 5 étages (Gojunoto)

Bien Culturel Important

La Pagode à 5 Etages fut à l’origine construite en 1407 et restaurée en 1533. Elle est principalement dédiée au Bouddha de la Guérison ainsi qu’à ses disciples Fugen et Monju.

Les statues représentant la divinité et ses disciples ont été retirées pendant l’ère Meiji pour être placées dans le Temple Daiganji.

La pagode a été construite dans son intégralité en style japonais comme en témoignent les capuchons ornementaux, les piliers de rambarde et le placement des chevrons. Cependant l’influence chinoise apparaît dans certaines parties comme le sommet des piliers en bois qui supportent les combles ainsi que dans les queues de chevrons.

On trouve des décorations Giboshi élaborées (décorations ressemblant à des fleurs de poireau) sur les piliers de rambarde du 1er étage, tandis qu’ils sont décorés de Gyaku-ren et Kaika-ren (décorations ressemblant à des fleurs de lotus) du 2ème au 5ème étage.

Quand de grands travaux de réparation ont été entrepris en 1945, la structure a été restaurée de manière à lui redonner son apparence originale en la laquant de vernis rouge.

L’intérieur de la pagode est orné de motifs de bonne augure tels que des dragons, la déesse Kannon, les 8 vues de Shôshô, des fleurs de lotus ou bien encore le sutra Shingon Hasso peint au plafond, sur le mur Raigo (mur qui se trouve derrière la statue de Bouddha) et sur le reste des murs en bois. Ce pendant cette partie n’est pas ouverte au public.

L’une des particularités de cette structure réside dans son pilier central. En effet celui-ci part du sommet du toit et s’arrête au second étage et non pas au niveau des fondations.

Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.



센조카쿠(千畳閣)의옆에세워진오층탑(五重塔)은일본풍과중국당나라의양식을정묘하게융합시킨건축양식으로노송나무껍질의지붕과주홍색의기둥의수직적인대비가잘어우러진아름다운탑입니다. 높이는27.6m. 1407년에건립된것으로전해지고있습니다.

Photo by © Marufish.








Tahoto (Two-storied Pagoda)

National Important Cultural Property

This pagoda is said to have been built in 1523. The Buddha of Medicine was worshipped here, but was moved to Daiganji Temple following the Meiji Restoration (1868).

The name of the pagoda was changed to Hozan Shrine in 1880, and the deified warlord Kato Kiyomasa was then worshipped here, while the building itself came under the jurisdiction of Itsukushima Shrine. In 1918,the spirit of Kato Kiyomasa was moved to Toyokuni Shrine, where he is worshipped to this day.

Tahoto (La Pagode à 2 étages)

Bien Culturel Important

Cette pagode aurait été construite en 1523. Elle était au départ dédiée au Bouddha de la Guérison mais celui-ci fut déplacé au Temple Daiganji après la Restauration Meiji (1868).

La pagode prit le nom de « Sanctuaire Hozan » en 1880, et on se mit à y vénérer le seigneur de guerre déifié : Kiyomasa Kato. Le bâtiment passa sous la juridiction du Sanctuaire d’Itsukushima.

En 1918, l’esprit de Kiyomasa Kato fut déplacé au sanctuaire de Toyokuni (Senjokaku) où il est désormais vénéré.

多寶塔 (二重塔)



多宝塔 (二重塔)



다보탑(多宝塔) (이층탑)


1523년에 건립. 다보탑 주변은 벗꽃놀이의 명소로 유명합니다.





Photo by © liddybits.

Massya Ara Ebisu shrine

National Important Cultural Property

It is written in the ruling notes that Mr. Saburo Shimada Mr. Liberal Army Muneji was established in Muromachi era's first year Yoshiyoshi (1441).

Muromachi era (the first half of the 15th century) As an example of the establishment, Mr. Kazuyoshi and Mr. Zen Buddhism were intermingled, among them curves of the gable, the crotch inside sculpture picture on the door opening (Kaema) When I broke it, I can see a technique to distinguish this building in the construction method of Tamashi (Free Tissue) and Round Pillar of Takahi (Kohai).

Photo by © liddybits.

Massya Ara Ebisu sanctuaire

Bien Culturel Important

Il est écrit dans les notes au pouvoir que M. Saburo Shimada, l'Armée Libérale Militaire Muneji a été créé dans la première année de l'ère Muromachi Yoshiyoshi (1441).

L'époque de Muromachi (la première moitié du 15ème siècle) Comme un exemple de l'établissement, M. Kazuyoshi et M. Bouddhisme zen ont été entremêlés, entre eux des courbes du pignon, l'entrejambe à l'intérieur sculpture photo sur l'ouverture de porte (Kaema) A cassé, je peux voir une technique pour distinguer ce bâtiment dans la méthode de construction de Tamashi (Tissu libre) et le Pilier Rond de Takahi (Kohai).

Photo by © liddybits.





Photo by © liddybits.





Photo by © liddybits.

말사 荒胡子 신사


동 꼬리표에는 무로마치 시대의 키쓰 원년 (1441)에 시마다 사부로 左衛門尉 소시가 造立 한 취지가 적혀 있습니다.

무로마치 시대 (15 세기 전반) 造立의 예로 화 님과 선종에 의해서 混交하고 있으며, 그 중에서도 게이블의 곡선 문 상담 蟇股 (蟇股)의 가랑이 내 조각 그림에 의해서 좌우 대조를 약간 중심으로 무너진 곳 향후 하이 (후배)의 丸柱과 유리 된 手挾 (たばさみ) 공법 등이 건물을 특색 짓는 방법을 볼 수 있습니다.

Photo by © liddybits.







Photo by © Marufish.

Senjokaku (Toyokuni Shrine)

National Important Cultural Property

Toyokuni Shrine is dedicated to the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi (one of the three unifiers of Japan in the 16th century) and his loyal aid Kato Kiyomasa.

The reason for building this structure is clearly stated in a letter by Ankokuji Ekei, head monk of Ankokuji Temple. In 1587, Ekei asked Daiganji Temple, the temple in charge of construction and repair work in Miyajima including Itsukushima Shrine, to build a Buddhist library in which the chanting of Senbu-kyo sutras could be held every month.

The construction of the hall was discontinued after 11 years when Hideyoshi passed away, and it still remains unfinished today. It it had been completed, it would have shown us the great flamboyance of the Azuchi Momoyama era, as you can partly see in the gilded roof tiles of the hall, and the dynamic character of Hideoyoshi.

Originally, Amida Buddha and two subordinate Buddhist saints, Anan and Kasho-sonja, were enshrined in the Buddhist altar until the early Meiji era. Since that time, however, the altar has been used in Shinto rituals.

The building is called Senjokaku (Hall of One Thousand Tatami Mats), reflecting its standing as the largest structure on Miyajima Island.

Photo by © Marufish.

Senjokaku (Sanctuaire de Toyokuni)

Bien Culturel Important

Le Sanctuaire Toyokuni est dédié au Shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi (l’un des 3 unificateurs du Japon au 16ème siècle) et son loyal assistant, Kato Kiyomasa.

Les raisons de la construction de ce bâtiment sont clairement expliquées dans une lettre d’Ankokuji Ekei, chef moine du Temple Ankokuji.

En 1587, Ekei demande au Temple Daiganji, temple en charge de le construction et des réparations de Miyajima, ce qui inclue le Sanctuaire d’Itsukushima, de construire une bibliothèque bouddhiste dans laquelle seraient récités des Sutras Senbu-kyo chaque mois.

Les travaux de construction du sanctuaire ont été interrompus au bout d’11 ans, à la mort d’Hideyoshi c’est pourquoi le sanctuaire est resté dans cet état inachevé. Si les travaux avaient pu être menés à terme, on aurait pu voir la grande flamboyance de l’ère Azuchi Momoyama ainsi que le caractère dynamique d’Hideyoshi, comme le montrent en partie les tuiles dorées du toit.

A l’origine, et jusqu’au début de l’ère Meiji, l’autel bouddhiste était consacré au Bouddha Amida et à deux de ses disciples : Anan et Kasho-Sonja. Mais il a ensuite été utilisé pour des rituels shintoïstes.

Le bâtiment est communément appelé Senjokaku « Pavillon des 1000 tatamis », nom qui reflête bien sa position de « plus grande structure de Miyajima ».

Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.




Photo by © Marufish.

센조카쿠(千畳閣)(토요구니 신사(豊国神社))


높이: 27.6m 길이 : 3.6m

1587년 도요토미 히데요시가 전투에서 사망한 자를 공양하기 위해 매달 한 번 천부경(千部経)을 독송할 계획으로 승려 안코쿠지(安国寺)의 에케이(恵瓊)에게 건립을 명하여 지은 대경당입니다.

어른・고등학생 :100엔 중・초등학생 :50엔 8:00~16:30

Photo by © Marufish.





Treasure store

National Important Cultural Property

Mamoru Terumoto is repaired by Masanori Fukushima in the 15th year of Keiseo (1610), in 1588 in Tensho era (the 15th century) in the early Muromachi period (around the 14th century). Treasures of shrines including the national treasure Heike Tennenoron etc were collected until the present treasure hall (registration tangible cultural property) was made in 1934. It is the oldest building as "Akura", a shikura that combines wood with a pentagonal cross section.

In the prefecture there are three other buildings in this prefecture outside of this shakura, Kumano Shrine Treasures (Mikawa City) which is reported as being established in the Muromachi era (1333 to 1572), Taisyozo (Fuchu-machi) which is the establishment of the early Edo period (17th century) there is.

Magasin de trésors

Bien Culturel Important

Mamoru Terumoto est réparé par Masanori Fukushima dans la 15ème année de Keiseo (1610), en 1588 à l'ère de Tensho (le 15ème siècle) dans la période tôt de Muromachi (autour du 14ème siècle). Les trésors des sanctuaires, y compris le trésor national Heike Tennenoron, etc ont été recueillis jusqu'à ce que la salle du trésor actuel (immatriculation biens culturels tangibles) a été faite en 1934. Il est le plus ancien bâtiment comme "Akura", un shikura qui combine bois avec une section transversale pentagonale.

Dans la préfecture il ya trois autres bâtiments dans cette préfecture en dehors de cette shakura, les trésors de sanctuaire de Kumano (ville de Mikawa) qui est rapporté comme étant établi dans l'ère Muromachi (1333 à 1572), Taisyozo (Fuchu-machi) qui est l'établissement de La période du début Edo (17ème siècle) il ya.









보물 창고


무로마치 시대 초기 (14 세기 경)의 조영과되어 덴쇼 16 년 (1588)에 모리 데루 모토가 게이 쵸 15 년 (1610)에 후쿠시마 마사노리가 수리하고 있습니다. 1934 년 (1934)에 현재의 보물 관 (등록 유형 문화재)가 될 때까지 국보 헤이 케 納経을 비롯한 신사의 보물이 소장되어있었습니다. 오각형의 단면을 한 목재를 조합 한 校倉 "校倉"로는 가장 오래된 건물입니다.

현 내에는이 校倉 밖으로 무로마치 시대 (1333 ~ 1572) 造立 것으로 전해진다 쿠마 신사 보물 창고 (미요시시)에도 시대 초기 (17 세기)의 造立 인 타예 신사 보물 창고 (府中 町)의 3 동 수 있습니다.




Before fire

The entrance and return of the festival are done from here. Behind the high stage there was a part protruding from the flat stage towards the sea where fireflies were burned at the time of the festival and when guiding the ship.

It is a popular spot where Otorii can shoot directly in front of you.

Avant le feu

L'entrée et le retour du festival se font à partir d'ici. Derrière le haut de la scène, il y avait une partie saillante de la scène plate vers la mer où les lucioles étaient brûlées au moment de la fête et lors du guidage du navire.

C'est un endroit populaire où Otorii peut tirer directement en face de vous.







불 도자기 전

관현 축제 出御 · 還御은 여기에서 이루어집니다. 높은 무대 주위의 평 무대에서 바다를 향해 돌출 한 부분으로, 옛날에는 축제 때 나 배의 유도시에 모닥불이 피워 져있었습니다.

토리이가 정면으로 촬영할 수있는 인기있는 장소입니다.




It is a road leading to the entrance of Takeuchima Shrine. In addition to the shooting point of Otorii at the middle of the shrine, there is a god horse stables on the left side towards the entrance to Takeuchima Shrine.


C'est une route menant à l'entrée du sanctuaire de Takeuchima. En plus du point de tir d'Otorii au milieu du sanctuaire, il ya un cheval de dieu écuries sur le côté gauche vers l'entrée au sanctuaire de Takeuchima.





참배 길

嚴島 신사의 입구로 이어지는 길입니다. 도중에 도리의 촬영 포인트가있는 것 외에 嚴島 신사 입구에 좌측에는 神馬의 厩 있습니다.




※厳島八景 : 1715年、光明院の僧恕信の発案により、厳島の景勝八カ所が選定されました。

Kagami-no-ike (Mirror Pond)

Three round ponds are located around Itsukushima Shrine.

It is said that the ponds appeared in one night when Itsukushima Shrine was first built in the era of Emperess Suiko. So people of those days believed that the construction of the shrine suited the providence of the gods.

The ponds served as water reservoirs for fires that occurred when the tide happened to be low, but they also lend a unique character to the shrine.

The pond near Marodo Shrine is called Kagami-no-ike (Mirror Pond). Kagami-no-ike is also one of the eight noted views of Miyajima. The moon reflected on the Mirror Pond was said to be a most beautiful scene, which was repeatedly taken up as a motif in tanka (31-syllable Japanese poems) and haiku.

Kagami-no-ike (L’étang miroir)

Trois étangs de forme ronde sont situés autour du Sanctuaire d’Itsukushima.

On raconte que ces étangs sont apparus en une nuit lorsque le Sanctuaire fut construit pour la première fois sous le règne de l’Impératrice Suiko. C’est pourquoi à cette époque les hommes furent convaincus que la construction du sanctuaire répondait à la volonté divine.

Ces étangs ont servi de réservoir à eau lors d’incendies survenus à marée basse, mais ils donnèrent également un caractère unique au sanctuaire.

L’étang situé tout près du sanctuaire Marodo s’appelle Kagami-no-ike (L’étang Miroir). Il fait partie des 8 fameux paysages de Miyajima. Le reflet de la lune dans l’Etang Miroir était tellement beau qu’il a été utilisé à maintes reprises dans des Tanka (poème à 31 syllabes) et dans des Haikus.


社殿東迴廊的海中。 (其他還有兩處)退潮後即可顯現出圓圓的池子。



거울 연못(鏡の池/가가미노이케)

신전의 동쪽 회랑의 바다 속에 있습니다.조수가 간조 때가 되면 동그란 연못이 모습을 드러냅니다. (그 외에도 두 군데 더 있음)



Company office

Office office that conducts administrative management etc of Itsukushima shrine.

Bureau d'entreprise

Bureau de bureau qui effectue la gestion administrative etc du sanctuaire d'Itsukushima.






이쓰쿠시마 신사의 사무관리등을 실시하는 사무소.


View from Nishimatsubara

Vue de Nishimatsubara



니시마츠바라로부터의 경치




海をも含む敷地内には本社を中心に大小の各神社、舞台、楽房などが設置され、そのそれぞれは延長108間に及ぶ廻廊で結ばれ、独創的な配置構成を見せています。 また、朱塗り・桧皮葺の屋根、 スッキリとした軒廻りなど、随所に平安朝の建築美(寝殿造り)が生かされ、そのすばらしさは目をみはるほどです。


Photo by © Alejandro Slocker.

Itsukushima Shrine

National Treasure, World Heritage

The shrine has more than 1400 years of history, and is a registered World Heritage Site. The vermillion lacquered shrine, located at the beautiful Itsukushima, fits well with the Prussian blue sea, and the green of the virgin forest, recreating the elegance of the Heian era. Many visitors from all around the world continue to visit.

Photo by © Alejandro Slocker.

Sanctuaire d'Itsukushima

Trésor National・Patrimoine mondial

1ère attraction touristique de l’île et site inscrit au Patrimoine Culturel Mondial, ce sanctuaire Shinto flottant sur l’eau, raconte plus de 1400 ans d’Histoire du Japon. Cette structure à l’architecture raffinée de l’époque Heian, laquée d’un rouge vermillon flamboyant contraste sublimement avec le bleu intense de la mer et le vert profond des forêts primitives du Mont Misen.

Photo by © Alejandro Slocker.




Photo by © Alejandro Slocker.




Photo by © Alejandro Slocker.

이쓰쿠시마 신사(嚴島神社)

국보・세계 유산

세계 각 곳에서 관광객이 방문을 하고 있으며 세계유산으로 등록된 신사는 1400년의 역사가 있습니다. 이쓰쿠시마 신사(嚴島神社)의 주홍색의 우아한 신전이 감청색의 바다와 미센(弥山)의 원시림의 녹색과 잘 어우러져 헤이안시대(平安朝)의 우아함을 잘 자아내고 있습니다.

Photo by © Alejandro Slocker.

宮島ホテル まこと







広島県廿日市市宮島町 755

ご予約・お問い合わせ : 0829-44-0070

TEL 0829-44-0070
FAX 0829-44-0016

Miyajima Hotel Makoto

Yasuragi no yado lodging on the hill surrounded by nature.

It is a Japanese-style inn with a calm atmosphere in a rich natural environment surrounded by greenery where wild deer plays, which is located on the hill which is one step back from the city.

It is convenient for walking 5 minutes on foot from Miyajima pier, 10 minutes on foot to Itsukushima shrine and sightseeing base.

Together, they hold six banquet halls, and can be used for a wide range of conferences, training, comfort tours, alumni association, celebrations, legal requirements.

Dinner will be served at the Setouchi Kaiseki cuisine cuisine cooked by the chef who took in the seasonal ingredients.


755 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-city, Hiroshima, Japan 739-0518

TEL : +81-829-44-0070
FAX : +81-829-44-0016

Miyajima Hôtel Makoto

Inn de paix niché sur une colline entourée par la nature.

Situé sur une colline en retrait d'un pas de la ville, il est une auberge de style japonais dans l'atmosphère calme qui se trouve dans un environnement naturel riche, entouré de verdure jeu de cerfs sauvages.

Miyajima 5 minutes à pied de la jetée, est une base idéale pour visiter la ville et à 10 minutes à pied du sanctuaire Itsukushima.

Grande et petite combinée possède six de la salle de banquet, conférence, formation, Voyage de confort, réunion, célébrations, largement disponibles, tels que le service commémoratif.

Dîner fera l'hospitalité chef cuisinier fier de Setouchi kaiseki cuisine incorporant des ingrédients de saison.


755 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-city, Hiroshima, Japan 739-0518

TEL : +81-829-44-0070
FAX : +81-829-44-0016








755 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-city, Hiroshima, Japan 739-0518

TEL : +81-829-44-0070
FAX : +81-829-44-0016








755 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-city, Hiroshima, Japan 739-0518

TEL : +81-829-44-0070
FAX : +81-829-44-0016

미야지마 호텔 마코토

자연스럽게 둘러싸인 돈대에 잠시 멈춰서는 안락함의 숙소.

거리로부터 한 걸음 후미진 돈대에 위치해, 야생의 사슴이 노는 초록에 둘러싸인 풍부한 자연속에 있는 침착한 분위기의 일본식 여관입니다.

미야지마 부두에서(보다) 도보 5분 , 이쓰쿠시마 신사까지 도보 10분과 관광의 거점에 편리합니다.

대소 조제해 6개의 연회장을 소유해, 회의, 연수, 위안 여행, 동창회, 경사, 법요등 폭넓게 이용하실 수 있습니다.

저녁 식사는 순의 식품 재료를 도입한 요리장 자랑의 세토우치 술자리의 요리로 대접 하겠습니다.


755 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-city, Hiroshima, Japan 739-0518

TEL : +81-829-44-0070
FAX : +81-829-44-0016

旅館 聚景荘じゅけいそう








TEL 0829-44-0300
FAX 0829-44-0388

Ryokan Jukeiso

Night view and cooked inn

Jukeiso is just a 5-minute walk from Itsukushima Shrine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A Japanese-style room with views of Itsukushima Shrine's majestic Torii, a public bath, a private bath, a free shuttle to and from the Miyajima Ferry Terminal, and free Wi-Fi in the lobby.

It is a Japanese style built inn, a 10-minute walk from the Toyokuni Shrine and the Five-fold Pagoda, a 14-minute walk from the Momijidani Park, and a 19-minute walk to the Miyajima Ropeway Morijimaya Train Station.

Guests can relax at the large public bath open 24 hours a day, and can use private outdoor baths with views of Itsukushima Shrine. A free Japanese parking and Japanese breakfast and dinner are served at the hotel's restaurant.

Comfortable Japanese-style room with wonderful nature views, a flat-screen TV, a small refrigerator and a private bathroom. Yukata and green tea are available.


Jukeiso 50 Miyajima-Cho, Hatsukaichi-Shi, Hiroshima, 739-0533 JAPAN


Ryokan Jukeiso

Vue nocturne et auberge cuite

Jukeiso se trouve à seulement 5 minutes à pied du sanctuaire d'Itsukushima, classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Cette chambre de style japonais offre une vue sur le majestueux Torii d'Itsukushima, un bain public, une salle de bains privative, une navette gratuite depuis et vers le terminal de ferry Miyajima et une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite dans le hall.

Il s'agit d'une auberge construite au style japonais, à 10 minutes à pied du sanctuaire de Toyokuni et de la pagode cinq fois, à 14 minutes à pied du parc Momijidani et à 19 minutes à pied de la station de métro Miyajima Morijimaya.

Vous pourrez vous détendre au grand bain public ouvert 24h / 24 et profiter des bains extérieurs privés avec vue sur le sanctuaire d'Itsukushima. Un parking japonais gratuit et un petit-déjeuner et un dîner japonais sont servis dans le restaurant de l'hôtel.

Cette confortable chambre de style japonais bénéficie d'une vue magnifique sur la nature. Elle comprend une télévision à écran plat, un petit réfrigérateur et une salle de bains privative. Yukata et le thé vert sont disponibles.


Jukeiso 50 Miyajima-Cho, Hatsukaichi-Shi, Hiroshima, 739-0533 JAPAN









Jukeiso 50 Miyajima-Cho, Hatsukaichi-Shi, Hiroshima, 739-0533 JAPAN









Jukeiso 50 Miyajima-Cho, Hatsukaichi-Shi, Hiroshima, 739-0533 JAPAN



야경과 요리의 숙소

취경장은 유네스코 세계 유산의 이쓰쿠시마 신사로부터 도보 불과 5분에 위치합니다.이쓰쿠시마 신사의 장엄한 토리를 바라보는 일본식 방의 헤야, 대목욕탕, 대절 목욕탕, 미야지마 페리 터미널에의 무료 왕복 셔틀, 로비의 무료 Wi-Fi를 제공하고 있습니다.

일본식 구조의 숙소에서, 토요쿠니신사와 오중탑까지 도보 10분 , 단풍골짜기 공원까지 도보 14분 , 미야지마 ropeway 단풍 타니에키까지 도보 19분입니다.

일본식 구조의 숙소에서, 토요쿠니신사와 오중탑까지 도보 10분 , 단풍골짜기 공원까지 도보 14분 , 미야지마 ropeway 단풍 타니에키까지 도보 19분입니다.

훌륭한 자연의 경치를 바라는 쾌적한 일본식 방에는, 엷은 틀 TV, 소형 냉장고, 전용 욕실이 갖춰져, 유카타, 녹차를 준비하고 있습니다.


Jukeiso 50 Miyajima-Cho, Hatsukaichi-Shi, Hiroshima, 739-0533 JAPAN


宮島潮湯湯元 錦水館きんすいかん


錦水館は創業104年の温泉旅館。 宮島桟橋から徒歩5分。嚴島神社へは当館から徒歩3分と好立地の場所にございます。




〒739-0558 広島県廿日市市宮島町1133

TEL 0829-44-2131
FAX 0829-44-2137

Miyajima Yuyuan Yumoto Kinsuikan

It is a 3-minute walk to Itsukushima Shrine, a well-established inn with a view of the Onnoura Coast and Otorii

Kinsuikan is a hot spring inn with 104 years since its foundation. It is 5 minutes on foot from Miyajima pier. To Takejima Shrine is 3 minutes on foot from the hotel and in a location of good location.

From the Ainuoura coast that spreads in front of you, it is a location that wants the symbol "Mr. Otorii" of Miyajima. A beautiful sunset with a madder color, a full of tides and a torii lit up lighting at night.

You can enjoy a luxurious time with nature and historic lodgings in conjunction with the inn.


1133 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima Prefecture

TEL 0829-44-2131
FAX 0829-44-2137

Miyajima Yuyuan Yumoto Kinsuikan

Il se trouve à 3 minutes à pied du sanctuaire d'Itsukushima, une auberge bien établie avec vue sur la côte d'Onnoura et Otorii

Kinsuikan est une auberge de printemps chaud avec 104 ans depuis sa fondation. Il est à 5 minutes à pied de Miyajima jetée. A Takejima Shrine est à 3 minutes à pied de l'hôtel et dans un emplacement de bon emplacement.

De la côte d'Ainuoura qui se propage devant vous, c'est un endroit qui veut le symbole "M. Otorii" de Miyajima. Un beau coucher de soleil avec une couleur plus fou, un plein de marées et un torii éclairé l'éclairage la nuit.

Vous pouvez profiter d'un moment de luxe avec la nature et les logements historiques en conjonction avec l'auberge.


1133 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Préfecture d'Hiroshima

TEL 0829-44-2131
FAX 0829-44-2137

宮島潮湯湯元 錦水館






1133 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima Prefecture

TEL 0829-44-2131
FAX 0829-44-2137

宫岛潮汤汤元 锦水馆






1133 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima Prefecture

TEL 0829-44-2131
FAX 0829-44-2137

미야지마 우시오 온수 온천의 근원 니시키 미즈관

이쓰쿠시마 신사까지 도보 3분, 유之후미해안과 오도리이를 바라다보이는 전통있는 가게 여관

니시키 미즈관은 창업 104년의 온천여관. 미야지마 부두로부터 도보 5분. 嚴섬신사에는 당관에서 도보 3분과 호입지의 장소에 있습니다.

눈앞에 펼쳐지는 유之후미해안으로부터는, 미야지마의 심볼 「오도리이」를 바라다보는 로케이션. 암적색이 아름다운 석양이나, 조수의 조수 간만 오고, 밤은 라이트 업 된 오도리이.

저절로 역사에 언급하는 사치스러운 시간을 숙소로 맞추고, 취미 줄 수 있습니다.


1133 Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima Prefecture

TEL 0829-44-2131
FAX 0829-44-2137








釈迦如来坐像 本堂には、国の重要文化財である仏像が四体あり、その中の薬師如来坐像は、弘法大師の作と伝えられています。また、神仏分離令で千畳閣から移された、行基作と伝えられる釈迦如来坐像と阿難尊者像あなんそんじゃぞう迦葉尊者像かしょうそんじゃぞう、五重塔から移された釈迦如来座像・文殊菩薩もんじゅぼさつ普賢菩薩ふげんぼさつの三尊像があります。本堂の正面手前には、賓頭盧尊者ひんずるそんじゃがあり、なで仏として親しまれています。


本尊不動明王半迦座像 本堂軒下には、明治時代に開催されたパリ万国博覧会に出展された錦帯橋の1⁄25の模型が架けられています。境内の庭に伊藤博文公お手植えと伝えられる9本松があります。




Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Kikyozan Hokoin Daiganji (Buddhist temple)

Daiganji Temple or Kikyozan Hokoin belongs to the Koyosan Branch od the Shingon denomination of Buddhism. The founder of this temple is not known though it is said that the temple was reconstructed by Priest Ryokai between 1201 and 1203 in the Kamakura period.

Prior to the decree of Shinto-Buddhism separation by the Meiji government, this temple was in charge of the repair and construction of Itsukushima Shrine, Hakozakigu and Usahachimangu Shrines in Kyushu and many others.

In the main hall, there are four Buddha statues which are designated as a National Important Cultural Property. One of the four is Yakushi Nyorai Zazo, a seated statue of Medicine Buddha and is said to have been made by Kobo Daishi or Kukai, the founder of the Shingon school of Buddhism.

Under the decree of Shinto-Buddhism Separation, three statues were moved from Senjokaku to this temple. They are Shaka Nyorai Zazo, a seated statue of Buddha Gautama, said to have been made by Gyoki, Anan Sonjazo, and Makakasho Sonjazo. Anan Sonjazo and Makakasho Sonja are of the main ten disciples of Buddha.

Also three statues (Shaka Nyorai Zazo, a seated statue of Buddha Gautama, Monju Bosatsu, or Wisdom Buddha, and Fugen Bosatsu or Mercy Buddha) were moved from the Five Storied Pagoda to the temple. At the entrance of the main hall is enshrined Binzuru Sonja, known as Nadebotoke. Visitors rub the Buddha for medical cures.

Daiganji Temple is dedicated to Benzaiten, the Goddess of eloquence, music, wisdom and wealth, and is known as one the the three most famous Benzaiten Temples, along with those in Enoshima, in Kanagawa and Chikubujima in Shiga. The Benzaiten is opened to the public only once a year on June 17.

In April 2006, Gomado Hall was reconstructed for the first time in 140 years, and was served at the setting for the rededication ceremony of Fudo Myo-o Hanka Zazo, wich is 4 meters in height and is made of sandalwood.

In 1538, during the period of Civil War, Priest Sonkai went to Korea to get Issaikyo or the total volume of Buddhist Sutras with the aid of Yoshitaka Ouichi, lord of Yamaguchi. His travel was recorded on the rear side of the Shosho hakkei Byobu folding screen, which is one of the precious documents used to understand the state of Korea at that time. His travel “Sonkai kokai nikki” is designated as a National Important Cultural Property.

In 1866, during the second Choshu war, the peace conference was held by Kaishu Katsu of the Shogunate and members of the Choshu Clan such as Masaomi Hirosawa in a room of this temple.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Kikyozan Hokoin Daiganji (Temple Bouddhiste)

Le Temple Daiganji (ou Kikyozan Hokoin) appartient à la branche Koyasan de la secte bouddhiste Shingon. Le fondateur du temple n’est pas connu cependant il semblerait que le temple ait été reconstruit par le prêtre Ryokai entre 1201 et 1203, à la période Kamakura.

Avant le décret de séparation du Shintoïsme et du Bouddhisme par le gouverment Meiji, ce temple était chargé des travaux de construction et d’entretien du Sanctuaire d’Itsukushima, des sanctuaires d’Hazokigu et d’Usahachimangu dans le Kyushu et de nombreux autres encore.

Dans le pavillon principal se trouvent quatre statues de Bouddha qui ont été déclarées Biens Culturel Nationaux Importants.

L’une des quatre représente Yakushi Nyorai Zazo, une statue assise du Bouddha de la Guérison et on pense qu’elle est l’oeuvre de Kobo Daishi (Kukai), le fondateur de l’école Shingon.

Suite au décret de séparation, trois statues ont été rapportées du Sanctuaire Senjokaku. Il s’agit de celle de Shaka Nyorai Zazo, une statue assise de Bouddha Gautama, qui aurait été faite par Gyoki, et celles d’Anan Sonjazo et de Makakasho Sonjazo.

Anan Sonjazo et Makakasho Sonja sont deux des dix illustres disciples de Bouddha.

Trois autres statues furent aussi rapportées de la Pagode à 5 étages : Shaka Nyorai Zazo, Monju Bosatsu (Bouddha de la Sagesse), et Fugen Bosatsu (Bouddha de la Compassion).

A l’entrée du pavillon principal se trouve Binzuru Sonja, aussi connu sous le nom de Nadebotoke. Les visiteurs frottent le Bouddha pour guérir leurs maladies.

Le Temple Daiganji est dédié à Benzaiten, la déesse de l’éloquence, de la musique, de la sagesse et de la prospérité et est l’un des trois temples Benzaiten les plus célèbres avec celui d’Enoshima à Kanagawa et celui de Chikubujima à Shiga. Le Benzaiten est ouvert au public une fois par an le 17 Juin.

En avril 2006, le pavillon Gomado a été reconstruit pour la première fois en 140 ans et a servi à la mise en place de la cérémonie commémorative de Fudo Myo-o Zazo, dont la statue mesure 4 mètres de haut et est faite de bois de santal.

En 1538, à l’époque des guerres civiles, le prêtre Sonkai se rend en Corée pour aller y chercher le « Issaikyo », l’intégralités des Sutras Bouddhistes, avec l’aide de Yoshitaka Ouchi, Seigneur de Yamaguchi. Son voyage est décrit à l’arrière du « Shosho Hakkei » (paravent peint à 8 panneaux), ce qui en fait est un précieux document permettant de se faire une idée de la Corée de cette époque. Le récit de son voyage « Sonkai Tokai Nikki » a été classé Bien Culturel National Important.

En 1866 pendant la seconde guerre de Choshu, une conférence de paix organisée par Kaishu Katsu du Shogunat et des membres du Clan Choshu, tels que Masaomi Hirosawa dans l’une des salles de ce temple.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

다이간지(大願寺) 기쿄잔호코인(亀居山方光院)

다이간지의 본존상 이쓰쿠시마 벤자이텐(厳島弁財天)은 사가미노쿠니(相模国)(가마쿠라/鎌倉)의 에노시마(江ノ島), 오미노쿠니(近江国)(비와코/琵琶湖)의 치쿠부시마(竹生島)와 함께 일본 삼대 벤자이텐 중의 하나입니다. 이쓰쿠시마 벤자이텐 대제전은 매년 6월 17일에 행해지고 있습니다. 일년에 한 번 대제전 때에 공개를 하는데 이 때에는 일반인들도 참배, 관람할 수가 있습니다.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



JR 西日本宮島フェリーと、宮島松大汽船が運行され、オンシーズンや宮島水中花火大会などにあわせ、多客ダイヤなどが組まれて運行されています。

Photo by © hirotomo t.

Miyajima pier

Its Itsukushima side of the ferry route connecting Honshu and Itsukushima.

JR West Nippon Miyajima Ferry and Miyajima Matsudai steamship operate, and in conjunction with the on-season and the Miyajima underwater fireworks festival etc., a large number of customers are assembled and operated.

Photo by © hirotomo t.

Jetée Miyajima

Son côté Itsukushima de la route de ferry reliant Honshu et Itsukushima.

JR West Nippon Miyajima Ferry et Miyajima Matsudai fonctionnent, et en conjonction avec la saison et le festival de feux d'artifice sous-marin Miyajima etc, un grand nombre de clients sont assemblés et exploités.

Photo by © hirotomo t.




Photo by © hirotomo t.




Photo by © hirotomo t.

미야지마 부두

혼슈와 이쓰쿠시마를 연결하는 페리 항로의 이쓰쿠시마측.

JR서일본 미야지마 페리와 미야지마 마츠대 기선이 운행되어 온 시즌이나 미야지마 수중화불대회 등에 대면시켜 다객 다이어등이 짜여져 운행되고 있습니다.

Photo by © hirotomo t.

もみじ谷公園 末社四宮まっしゃしのみや神社前



Momiji valley park in front of Suenosha Shrine Shrine

About Shueisha Shiinomiya Shrine

Temple of Shrines Shrine Shrine Shinbun Shrine The shrine of the Shrine of Shimane Shrine is a god of unknown festivals, Tsuchijin, "customs", private customs are done at night.

Momiji, vallée, Parc, devant, Suenosha, sanctuaire, sanctuaire

À propos de Shueisha Shiinomiya Shrine

Temple des Sanctuaires Sanctuaire Sanctuaire de Shinbun Le sanctuaire du Sanctuaire de Shimane Shrine est un dieu de festivals inconnus, Tsuchijin, "coutumes", les coutumes privées sont effectuées la nuit.







단풍골짜기 공원 말사 시노미야 신사앞

말사 시노미야 신사에 도착해

엄도신사 말사 시노미야 신사의 축제신은, 제신 미상가구토신으로, 「타의 것도씨」라고 하는, 민간의 습속이 야행 깨집니다.


宮島屈指の紅葉の名所が、もみじ谷公園です。園内には約 700 本の紅葉があります。



Photo by © Spiegel.

Momijidani Park

The most famous landmark of Miyajima is autumn leaves, Momiji valley park. There are about 700 autumn leaves in the park.

The most common type of Iroha maple is about 560, about 100 Oomomiji, about 40 other Urihadadai maple and Yamamomiji etc. From spring to summer, I store starchy in the leaves, and in autumn when frost falls it turns into a substance called anthocyanin. The amount of this anthocyanin substance determines the quality of autumn leaves.

Green is fresh from spring to summer, and autumn leaves are beautiful from mid-November to late November.

Photo by © Spiegel.

Momijidani Park

Le repère le plus célèbre de Miyajima est feuilles d'automne, parc de vallée de Momiji. Il ya environ 700 feuilles d'automne dans le parc.

Le type le plus commun d'érable Iroha est d'environ 560, environ 100 Oomomiji, environ 40 autres Urihadadai érable et Yamamomiji etc Du printemps à l'été, je stocke féculents dans les feuilles, et à l'automne, lorsque le gel tombe, il se transforme en une substance appelée anthocyanine. La quantité de cette anthocyanine détermine la qualité des feuilles d'automne.

Le vert est frais du printemps à l'été et les feuilles d'automne sont magnifiques de la mi-novembre à la fin novembre.

Photo by © Spiegel.





Photo by © Spiegel.





Photo by © Spiegel.

단풍골짜기 공원

미야지마 굴지의 단풍의 명소가, 단풍골짜기 공원입니다.원내에는 약 700개의 단풍이 있습니다.

종류는 이로하카에데가 약 560개로 가장 많아, 오오모미지 약 100개・그 외 우리하다카에데나 야마모미지등이 약 40개.봄부터 여름에 걸치고, 잎에 전분질을 저축하고 서리가 내리는 가을이 되면 안트시아닌이라고 하는 물질로 바뀝니다.이 안트시아닌이라고 하는 물질의 양에 의해서, 단풍의 좋음과 좋지 않음이 정해집니다.

봄부터 여름에 있어서는초록이 상쾌하고, 11월 중순부터 하순에 있어서는 단풍이 깨끗합니다.

Photo by © Spiegel.




Miyajima Suizokukan (Miyajima Aquarium)

An aquarium familiar with the nickname of Miyaji Marine. Approximately 350 species of representative aquatic animals up to fish, including thousands of snammers, sea lions, penguins and clones, which are also symbols of the Miyajima Aquarium, are displayed at 13,000 points. A large migrating aquarium just in front of the entrance is an eyeball. Recently, alligators that stand upright when bathed in have been introduced on television and it has become popular.

Source of reference/Wikipedia

Miyajima Suizokukan (aquarium de Miyajima)

Un aquarium familier avec le surnom de Miyaji Marine. Environ 350 espèces d'animaux aquatiques représentatifs jusqu'au poisson, y compris des milliers d'espèces, des lions de mer, des pingouins et des clones, qui sont également des symboles de l'aquarium de Miyajima, sont affichés à 13 000 points. Un grand aquarium migrant juste en face de l'entrée est un globe oculaire. Récemment, les alligators qui se tiennent debout quand ils sont baignés dans ont été introduits à la télévision et il est devenu populaire.

Source de référence/Wikipedia







봐나 글자 마린 미야지마 수족관

봐나 글자 마린의 애칭으로 사랑받고 있다, 수족관.미야지마 수족관의 심볼로도 되어 있는 스나메리나, 강치, 펭귄, 코트메카와우소를 시작해 어류까지 대표적인 수생동물 약 350종 13,000점이 전시되고 있다.입구 곧바로 있는 대형의 유람 수조가 눈.최근에는, 수영때에 직립 하는 악어가 텔레비전등에서 소개되어 인기가 생기고 있다.


宮島弥山大本山 大聖院




Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Miyajima Misen Daisho-in Temple

The oldest temple among the temples in Miyajima is Omotoyama Daishoin of Shingon sect Omuro faction (Ninnaji temple).

It is 806 years since Kukai crossed Miyajima and started practicing on Mt. Yayama in 806, so I can not say that I do not feel the weight of history.

Relationship with the Imperial Family is also deep, old as a prayer field of emperor Toba imperial orderer, nearby is a high-quality temple such as becoming an accommodation destination for Emperor Meiji Emperor.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Temple Miyajima Misen Daisho-in

Le temple le plus ancien parmi les temples dans Miyajima est Omotoyama Daishoin de Shingon sect Omuro faction (temple de Ninnaji).

Il ya 806 ans que Kukai a traversé Miyajima et a commencé à pratiquer sur le mont. Yayama en 806, donc je ne peux pas dire que je ne ressens pas le poids de l'histoire.

Relation avec la famille impériale est aussi profond, ancienne comme un champ de prière de empereur empereur impérial Toba, à proximité est un temple de haute qualité comme devenir une destination d'hébergement pour l'empereur Empereur Meiji.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

宮島弥山大本山 大聖院




Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

宫岛弥山大本山 大圣院




Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

미야지마 미산 대본산대성원

미야지마에 있는 사원 중(안)에서 가장 역사가 낡은 것이, 진언종신사파(총본산 니와절)의 대본산대성원입니다.

공해가 미야지마에 건너, 미산 위에서 수행을 해 개기 한 것이 806년이라고 하기 때문에, 역사의 중량감을 느끼지 않는 것에는 살지 않습니다.

황실과의 관계도 깊고, 옛날에는 토바천황 칙명의 기원 도장으로서 근처는 메이지천황 행차때의 숙박지가 되는 등, 격식의 높은 절이라고 할 수 있습니다.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



紅葉谷駅と、榧谷かやたにの間は、自動循環式ロープウエーで、最大乗車人員 8 人の小型ロープウエー。

線路の傾斜長 1102m、最大高低差 288m、支索最急勾配 26°24′、運転速度 2.0m/sec で運行されています。


Photo by © redlegsfan21.

Miyajima Ropeway Momijidani Station

Next to Momiji Valley, Miyajima Ropeway Mogijya Line, which connects Momiji Valley to Misen Shishiiwa Observatory, the starting station.

Between the Momiji Valley Station and Kayatani is a small round ropeway with 8 passengers with maximum circulation, with automatic cycling ropeway.

It is operated at a ramp length of 1102 m, a maximum elevation difference of 288 m, a support steepest gradient of 26 ° 24 ', and an operating speed of 2.0 m / sec.

Source of reference /Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © redlegsfan21.

Gare Miyajima Momijidani

À côté de la vallée de Momiji, ligne de Miyajima Ropeway Mogijya, qui relie la vallée de Momiji à l'observatoire de Misen Shishiiwa, la station de départ.

Entre la gare Momiji Valley et Kayatani se trouve un petit téléphérique rond avec 8 passagers à circulation maximale, avec téléphérique automatique.

Il est exploité à une longueur de rampe de 1102 m, une différence de dénivelé maximale de 288 m, un gradient de pente le plus soutenu de 26 ° 24 'et une vitesse de fonctionnement de 2,0 m / sec.

Source de référence /Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © redlegsfan21.


毗鄰紅葉谷,宮島Ropuue紅葉谷線連接到從紅葉谷,原產地站Misen Shishiiwa天文台。



參考來源/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © redlegsfan21.


毗邻红叶谷,宫岛Ropuue红叶谷线连接到从红叶谷,原產地站Misen Shishiiwa天文台。



参考来源/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © redlegsfan21.

미야지마 로프웨이 단풍 타니에키

단풍골짜기에 인접해, 단풍골짜기에서 미산 사자바위 전망대까지를 묶는 미야지마 로프웨이 단풍곡선, 기점의 역.

단풍 타니에키와 비곡의 사이는, 자동 순환식 로프웨이로, 최대 승차 인원 8명의 소형 로프웨이.

선로의 경사장 1102 m, 최대 높낮이차이 288 m, 지색최급구배 26о24´, 운전 속도 2.0 m/sec으로 운행되고 있습니다.

출전/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © redlegsfan21.



Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Kiyomori Shrine

Kiyomori Shrine was built 770 years after the death of Taira-no-Kiyomori in 1954 to commemorate him and console his spirit.

Around March 20th, the anniversary of his death, the Kiyomori Festival is held.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Le sanctuaire Kiyomori

Le sanctuaire Kiyomori a été construit 770 ans après la mort de Taira-no-Kiyomori, en 1954, afin de commémorer et apaiser l’âme de ce dernier.

On y organise chaque année le Festival Kiyomori aux alentours du 20 mars pour l’anniversaire de sa mort.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

기요모리 신사(清盛神社)

다이라노 기요모리(平清盛) 공은 산노 신사(三翁神社)에 모셔져 있었으나 그가 사망하고 약 770년 후인 1954년에 기요모리 공의 공적을 기리는 뜻에서 기요모리 신사가 세워졌습니다.

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.





Photo by © Gwydion M. Williams.

Miyajima Ropeway Kayatani Station

The Miyajima ropeway connecting the Momiji Valley to the Misen Shishiiwa Observatory is composed of two routes, Momiji Valley and Shishiiwa Line, across Kayatani Station located at the foot of the mountain.

Kayatani station in the middle is a station exclusively for transfer.

Source of reference /Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Gwydion M. Williams.

Station Kayatani de Ropeway de Miyajima

Le téléphérique de Miyajima reliant la vallée de Momiji à l'observatoire de Misen Shishiiwa est composé de deux voies, la vallée de Momiji et la ligne de Shishiiwa, à travers la station de Kayatani située au pied de la montagne.

Kayatani station au milieu est une station exclusivement pour le transfert.

Source de référence /Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Gwydion M. Williams.

宮島Ropuue 榧谷站



參考來源/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Gwydion M. Williams.

宫岛Ropuue 榧谷站



参考来源/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Gwydion M. Williams.

미야지마 로프웨이비타니에키

단풍골짜기에서 미산 사자바위 전망대까지를 묶는 미야지마 로프웨이는, 산록에 위치하는 비타니에키를 사이에 두고, 단풍곡선과 사자암선의 2개의 노선으로 구성되어 있습니다.

중간에 해당하는 비타니에키는, 주로 환승 전용의 역입니다.

출전/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Gwydion M. Williams.



獅子岩駅から榧谷駅を結ぶ獅子岩線は、交走式ロープウエーで、最大乗車人員 30 人の大型ロープウエー。

線路の傾斜長 524m、最大高低差 62m、支索最急勾配 15°19′、運転速度 3.6m/sec で運行されています。


Photo by © Aapo Haapanen.

Miyajima Ropeway Shishiiwa Station

Next to the Shishiiwa observation deck, Miyajima ropeway connecting the Momiji Valley to the Misen Shishiiwa Observatory, so to speak as the terminal station.

Shishiiwa line connecting Shishiiwa station to Kayatani station is a large ropeway of 30 passengers with maximum riding in crossed ropeway.

It is operated at a slope length of 524 m, a maximum height difference of 62 m, a steepest steepest gradient of 15 ° 19 ', and an operating speed of 3.6 m / sec.

Source of reference /Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Aapo Haapanen.

Station de Shishiiwa de Ropeway de Miyajima

À côté de la plate-forme d'observation de Shishiiwa, le téléphérique de Miyajima reliant la vallée de Momiji à l'observatoire de Misen Shishiiwa, pour ainsi dire comme la station terminale.

La ligne de Shishiiwa reliant la station de Shishiiwa à la station de Kayatani est un grand téléphérique de 30 passagers avec la montée maximum dans le téléphérique croisé.

Il fonctionne à une longueur de pente de 524 m, une différence de hauteur maximale de 62 m, une pente la plus abrupte la plus abrupte de 15 ° 19 ', et une vitesse de fonctionnement de 3,6 m / sec.

Source de référence /Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Aapo Haapanen.

宮島Ropuue 獅子岩站




參考來源/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Aapo Haapanen.

宫岛Ropuue 狮子岩站




参考来源/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Aapo Haapanen.

미야지마 로프웨이 사자암역

사자바위 전망대에 인접해, 단풍골짜기에서 미산 사자바위 전망대까지를 묶는 미야지마 로프웨이로, 말하자면 종점의 역.

사자암역으로부터 비타니에키를 묶는 사자암선은, 교주식 로프웨이로, 최대 승차 인원 30명의 대형 로프웨이.

선로의 경사장 524 m, 최대 높낮이차이 62 m, 지색최급구배 15о19´, 운전 속도 3.6 m/sec으로 운행되고 있습니다.

출전/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Aapo Haapanen.


標高 535m の弥山山頂に位置する弥山山頂展望台。展望台設備は、宮島弥山展望休憩所として2014年7月にリニューアルされ、連日多くの観光客が訪れています。


Misen Tenboudai (Mt.Misen Observatory)

Mountain top observation deck located at the top of Mt. Yayama at an altitude of 535 m. Observatory facility was renewed in July 2014 as Miyajima Misayama Observation Resting Area, and many tourists visited every day.

It is necessary to visit the Mt. Yamayama Observation Deck by climbing or by walking from the Shishiro Observatory via Miyajima Rope Way, but "Hiroshi Ito is acclaimed that" One real value of Japan's three scenes is at the summit view ", As is said to have been said to have done, you can see the magnificent scenery of Tamayama Miya in the Seto Inland Sea and the natural mountain forest of Mt.

Misen Tenboudai (Observatoire du Mt.Misen)

Pont d'observation de montagne situé au sommet du mont. Yayama à une altitude de 535 m. L'installation de l'Observatoire a été rénovée en juillet 2014 sous la forme de la zone de repos d'observation Miyajima Misayama, et de nombreux touristes visitent chaque jour.

Il est nécessaire de visiter le mont. Yamayama Observation d'escalade ou en marchant de l'Observatoire Shishiro via Miyajima Rope Way, mais "Hiroshi Ito est acclamé que" Une valeur réelle des trois scènes du Japon est à la vue du sommet ", Comme on dit avoir été fait, Vous pouvez voir le paysage magnifique de Tamayama Miya dans la mer intérieure de Seto et la forêt naturelle de montagne du mont.



弥山到山頂天文台,無論是在登山遊覽,但你需要從通過宮島Ropuue 獅子岩天文台腳下參觀,“日本三景的真正價值的一個位於視圖頂部,說:說:”伊藤博文伊藤稱讚因為它說的是,和瀨戶內海的榻榻米美,是見過這麼彌山原始森林的美景是天然紀念物的國家。



弥山到山顶天文台,无论是在登山游览,但你需要从通过宫岛Ropuue 狮子岩天文台脚下参观,“日本叁景的真正价值的一个位於视图顶部,说:说:”伊藤博文伊藤称讚因為它说的是,和瀨户内海的榻榻米美,是见过这麼弥山原始森林的美景是天然纪念物的国家。

미산 산정 전망대

표고 535 m의 미산 산정에 위치하는 미산 산정 전망대.전망대 설비는, 미야지마 미산 전망 휴식소로서 2014년 7월에 리뉴얼되어 연일 많은 관광객이 방문하고 있습니다.

미산 산정 전망대에는, 등산으로 방문하는지, 미야지마 로프웨이를 경유해 사자바위 전망대로부터 도보로 방문할 필요가 있습니다만, 「일본 삼경의 1의 진가는 정상의 경치에 있어」라고 이토히로부미가 절찬했다고 이유 깨지고 있도록(듯이), 세토나이카이의 다도미와 나라의 천연기념물인 미야마하라시림등의 절경을 볼 수 있습니다.





Misen Hondo Hall (Main Hall)

This is the actual place where Kobo Daishi accomplished 100 days “Gumonji” training (a secret Buddhist practice) in the hall built in Mt. Misen.

In an attempt to discover a spiritual place round Miyajima on the occasion he visited Miyajima on his return home from Tang, Daishi himself named it after Mt. Shumisen in China similar in shape.

A cultural asset of national importance “Temple Bell” (Bonsho) attributed to the donation of Munemori, the 3rd son of Kiyomori Taira is housed here.

The main deity is Akasagarbha (Kokuzo-bosatsu) accompanied by Acala and Vaisravana.

They say brave generals such as Taira-no-Kiyomori, Ashikaga Yoshihisa or Fukushima Masanori had deep faith in it.

Source of reference, quotation/ Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Le pavillon Misen Hondo (Pavillon Principal)

C'est le temple où Kobo Daishi a réalisé son entraînement bouddhiste.

Il aurait fondé ce temple et pratiqué le « Gumonji », un entraînement bouddhiste secret durant 100 jours lorsqu’à son retour de Chine, il s’arrêta à Miyajima à la recherche d’un lieu sacré.

De célèbres seigneurs féodaux, tels que Taira-no-Kyomori s'y sont recueillis.

La divinité principale de ce temple est Kokuzo Bosatsu (Akasagarbha), et les divinités secondaires : Fudo Myo-o (Acala) et Tamonten (Vaisravana).

Source de référence, citation/ Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)



參考來源・引用/ Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)



参考来源・引用/ Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

미센(弥山) 본당

중국 당나라에서 귀국한 홍법대사(弘法大師)가 100일 동안 구귀지법(求聞持法/기억력 증진을 위한 수법)를 수행한 곳. 본존상은 허공장보살(虚空蔵菩薩)이고 양 옆에 부동명왕 (不動明王)과 비샤몬텐(毘沙門天)을 모셔놓고 있다.

출전・인용/ Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)





Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Reikado Hall (Eternal Fire Hall)

Kiezu no Hi (the eternal flame), the holy fire which Kobo Daishi used as part of his religious training is burning even now after about 1200 years in Reikado Hall.

It is said that the holy water boiled by this fire works for hall sort of disease. It was also used as the pilot light for the “Flame of Peace” of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

Source of reference, quotation/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

Le pavillon Reikado

Kiezu-no-hi (le feu éternel), le feu sacré qu’utilisa Kobo Daishi lors de son entraînement religieux continue de brûler 1200 ans plus tard dans le pavillon Reikado.

On dit que l’eau chauffée avec ce feu soigne toutes les maladies. Il a également servi pour allumer la « flamme de la Paix » au Parc Mémorial de la Paix à Hiroshima.

Source de référence, citation/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



參考來源・引用/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.



参考来源・引用/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.

레카도(霊火堂)(꺼지지 않는 불)

홍법대사(弘法大師)가 수행 시에 사용한 불이 1200년이 지난 지금까지도 꺼지지 않고 레카도(霊火堂)에서 타오르고 있습니다.

출전・인용/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Photo by © Kimon Berlin.






Sankido Hall

Sanki Daigongen are three fierce guardian gods of Mt. Misen. The main god is called Tsuichokijin. Tengus, long-nosed goblins, are their servants.

Many people visit here to pray for the happiness of their family and the success of their business.

The first Prime Minister of Japan, Hirobumi Ito is said to have been an earnest devotee. He contributed a large amount to construct the climbing path.

Source of reference, quotation/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Le pavillon Sankido

Dans un vieux temple unique en son genre se trouvent 3 démons qui possèdent la vertue de la fortune, de la sagesse et de l’exorcisme. C'est le seul temple au Japon où l'on vénère des démons.

Si vous venez priez pour le bien-être de votre foyer et la prosperité de votre commerce, on raconte que vos voeux seront exaucés sans faute !

Source de référence, citation/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)



參考來源・引用/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)



参考来源・引用/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)


레카도(霊火堂) 우측의 석단 위에 있는 당으로 일본에서 유일하게 귀신을 신으로 섬기고 있습니다. 크고 작은 덴구(天狗/깊은 산에 살며 얼굴이 붉고 코가 큰 상상의 동물)와 함께 강대한 신통력으로 중생들을 구해 준다고 하며 가정의 평안, 사업번창 등에 소원을 들어준다고 합니다.

출전・인용/Miyajima Tourist Association Reserved, Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)





Dainichido Hall

The prestigious guardian temple for Itsukushima Shrine. All the priests in the island gather here to pray for the prosperity of the nation for 7 days of New Year since the Meiji Era.

Source of reference, quotation/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

Le pavillon Dainichido

Il s’agit d’un prestigieux temple gardien du Sanctuaire d’Itsukushima. Tous les prêtres de l’île se réunissent ici pour prier à la prospérité du pays les 7 premiers jours de l’année depuis l’ère Meiji.

Source de référence, citation/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)




參考來源・引用/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)




参考来源・引用/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)

다이니치(大日) 당

이쓰쿠시마 신사의 진고사로서 세력을 가져, 메이지 이전에는 정월7일간 섬 전체의 승려가 등산하고, 수정회를 수행 해 국가의 융성을 기원한 도장.

본존에 금강・태의 양쪽 부분의 대일 여래를 모십니다.

출전・인용/Miyajima Ropeway (Hiroshima Tourism promotion Co., Ltd.)








Misen primitive forest

Natural Monuments

The northern slope of Misen, which is the main peak of Miyajima, has received special protection as a traditional shrine of the Itsukushima Shrine Syasou, so it keeps the primitive forest appearance.

At the foot of the northern mountain of Misen there are many large fir trees, near the summit a Tuga forest has developed, evergreen broad leaf forests such as cloves and Vladi logs are also remarkable. In the forest, Pinus densiflora, Shikimi, Asebi, Shirodamo, Hisakaki, Arakashi, Inougashi, Sakaki etc grow abundantly, and unique plants such as Miyazima Shimotsu and Miajima Maple are also growing.

It is also interesting for distribution that almost all of the mainland chestnut trees and aphids are not seen on this island.

This primitive forest is not only valuable as a typical warmth and temperate forest of our country but also an important factor for the landscape of Miyajima.

Source of reference, quotation/Hirosima Prefectural Board of Education

Misen forêt primitive

Monuments naturels

Le versant nord de Misen, qui est le sommet principal de Miyajima, a reçu une protection spéciale comme sanctuaire traditionnel du sanctuaire de Itsukushima Syasou, donc il garde l'apparence de la forêt primitive.

Au pied de la montagne nord de Misen il ya beaucoup de grands sapins, près du sommet une forêt de Tuga a développé, des forêts de feuilles larges à feuilles persistantes telles que les clous de girofle et les bûches de Vladi sont également remarquables. Dans la forêt, Pinus densiflora, Shikimi, Asebi, Shirodamo, Hisakaki, Arakashi, Inougashi, Sakaki etc. poussent abondamment, et les plantes uniques comme Miyazima Shimotsu et Miajima Maple sont également en croissance.

Il est également intéressant pour la distribution que presque tous les châtaigniers continentaux et les pucerons ne sont pas vus sur cette île.

Cette forêt primitive est non seulement précieuse comme une forêt typique et tempérée de notre pays mais aussi un facteur important pour le paysage de Miyajima.

Source de référence, citation/Hirosima Prefectural Board of Education




為了彌山的北麓,大的樹的冷杉是多方面的,在本次峰會和鐵杉森林開發的附近,也顯著常綠闊葉林,如Kurobai和蚧。森林,如蓬勃發展赤松,Shikimi - 仙女座 - 舟山新木姜,柃木,青岡,銳葉新木姜子,榊,也越來越獨特的植物如宮繡線菊,宮島楓。



參考來源・引用/Hirosima Prefectural Board of Education




為了弥山的北麓,大的树的冷杉是多方面的,在本次峰会和铁杉森林开发的附近,也显着常绿阔叶林,如Kurobai和蚧。森林,如蓬勃发展赤松,Shikimi - 仙女座 - 舟山新木姜,柃木,青冈,锐叶新木姜子,榊,也越来越独特的植物如宫绣线菊,宫岛枫。



参考来源・引用/Hirosima Prefectural Board of Education


나라의 천연기념물

미야지마의 주봉우리를 이루는 미산의 북쪽 경사면은, 고래 이쓰쿠시마 신사의 사 총"감사하자"로서 특별한 보호를 받았기 때문에, 원시림적 양상을 유지하고 있다.

미산의 키타야마산기슭에는, 모미의 대목이 많아, 정상 부근에는 트가숲이 발달하고 있어, 크로바이나 우라지로가시등의 상록 광엽수림도 현저하다.린나이에는, 적송・시키미・아세비・시로다모・히사카키・아라카시・이누가시・사카키등이 번무 해, 미야지마시모트케・미야지마카에데 등 고유의 식물도 생육하고 있다.

본토에 많은 구리・상수리 나무・아베마키류가 이 섬에서는 거의 볼 수 없는 것도 분포상 흥미롭다.

이 원시림은, 우리 나라의 난・온대숲의 대표적인 것으로 해 가치가 클 뿐만이 아니라, 미야지마의 경관에 있어서도 중요한 요소가 되고 있다.

출전・인용/Hirosima Prefectural Board of Education




Tsutsumigaura Nature Park

"Miyajima Shingigaura Nature Park" is a leisure spot of the sea and mountains. In the summer, you can open a beach with a 200 m sand beach and enjoy a campsite and a tennis court.

Kevin for accommodation is also available for families, groups, barbecues can be made anywhere in the park, camping and barbecue equipment rental is also available.

Tsutsumigaura Nature Park

Le «Parc Naturel de Miyajima Shingigaura» est un lieu de loisirs de la mer et des montagnes. En été, vous pouvez ouvrir une plage avec une plage de sable de 200 m et profiter d'un terrain de camping et un court de tennis.

Kevin pour le logement est également disponible pour les familles, les groupes, les barbecues peuvent être faites n'importe où dans le parc, de camping et de location d'équipement de barbecue est également disponible.


"宮島包浦自然公園" 是大海和群山的休閒場所。在夏天,在200米,露營沙灘開了海灘,你可以享受網球場。



"宫岛包浦自然公园" 是大海和群山的休閒场所。在夏天,在200米,露营沙滩开了海滩,你可以享受网球场。


쓰쓰미가우라(包ヶ浦) 자연공원

「미야지마파오포자연공원」은, 바다와 산의 레저스포츠입니다.여름에는, 200 m의 모래 사장에서 해수욕장을 개설해, 캠프장, 테니스 코트도 즐길 수 있습니다.

숙박용 케빈도, 패밀리용, 단체용도 있어, 바베큐도 원내 어디에서라도 할 수 있고, 캠프, 바베큐 용품의 렌탈도 가고 있습니다.